Chapter 20: All Eyes On Me

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Alright guys! So I wanted to give you guys a few updates since the past few days have been crazy. Zayn has left the band and that is really really upsetting. So I wanted to give you guys something to try and cheer you up. Plus I have a question I have dropped my phone in water and took it out immediately, how long do you have to keep it in rice for hahha. If you want to see my crazy freak out about Zayn leaving feel free to go check out my twitter: @Hannah_Loewen and shoot me a follow to, to see my crazy one direction love and other things too (: also if you wanna give my instagram a follow feel free to do that too; @Hannah_Loewen. Ok well I hope you enjoy the following updates! 

-Darcy's POV-

Monday, a new day of school. Everyone knew about my whole almost dying thing so I knew today was going to be crazy. I didn't know how people would react would they be super in my face or would they make up some rumours. I had no clue but I was ready for it. Matthew had dropped me off like he does every morning and the minute I walk into the school everyone went silent. Now I was used to this by now because it seems there is always some drama going on in my life and everyone seems to know about it. As I walk down the hallways eyes follow me and I feel like I should break out in some dance to kill the tension and give them something else to talk about. But nope the whole school stays silent no one making a move I get to my locker and feel a tap on my shoulder turning around I am suprised to see Michael. My mouth involuntarily falls open. He pulls me in his arms and suddenly the whole school remembers they have voices. 

"Darcy and Michael reunion" someone screams and I feel like i'm gonna be sick. The whole school breaks out in chants and cheers hollering and freaking out. 

"Michael what are you doing" I ask pushing him off of me. No one is paying attention to that though they are to busy causing a riot. 

"I just had to hold you, you almost died and it made me realise how much I miss you and need you.. Was it because of what you told me?" he asks. My mouth is wide open, I have no feelings for Michael. They were all washed away when I realised my feelings for Matthew. I had almost forgot I told him what was wrong with my. I simply nod my head. "Oh Darcy" he says pulling me into his arms again. I slide out. 

"No Michael.. Nothing has changed here. I still cant be with you.. and I dont want to either.." I say quietly. Just then the cheering stops and I look around to see why. Apparently I was completely tuned out from the world and didn't realise that Liz was standing on a table trying to quiet down the screaming and everyone had shut up. Michael nodded his head and walked away defeated. What did he expect that something had magically changed and I suddenly wanted to be with him.. No. Not going to happen maybe it could have happened before if the situation was different but I am with Matthew and he didn't hesitate to sleep with another chick so fast. Liz hops off the table and runs towards me pulling me into her arms now this was a hug I was willing to have I wrap my arms around her and squeeze. "I'm alright Liz, I am alright" I say with a bit of a laugh. 

"Don't you ever do that again" she scolds holding up her finger to me, with a serious look on her face. I laugh awkwardly and her look breaks and a smile comes through. 

"Look.. Liz I have something to tell you" I say smiling. 

"Well Darc, what is it?" she asks.

"I am dating Matthew.." I say smiling her mouth falls open but then she screams. 

"YES! Finally you two have got together I have been waiting since we were freaking riding training wheels for you to say that!" she says hugging me, "That's so great Darc" she says smiling. The rest of the day went by and it was pretty boring. It was a suprise to me when I walk out of the school and see Michael and his gang standing out there all staring at me. Michael did not look happy. Oh no. He breaks out from his crowd of friends and walks over to me. 

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