The Party Table.

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Throughout the 2 days of knowing Harry Styles, it has become apparent to me that I don't know how to improvise- at all. And, being exact: it has been less than 2 days, more like 44 hours. Call me a geek but you'd be wrong. I'm only guessing, but considering I met Harry mid-day now two days ago, it can't be exactly 2 days.

Yesterday, we went baking. I made a total mess of things. But then again it was his choice bring me there.

Blossom, he wouldn't of known.

Today Harry and I have decided to go to his place.
Okay, I lied. He said via messaging 'Good morning' now, call me lazy, but 7 am does not make things a good morning. That's way too early, at least give me another hour. Deal with it, Bloss. 'Hello Harry, why on earth are you messaging so early' He almost immediately responded in 'Did I wake you up, love? Sorry' I mean, yes he did but I was nice about it. 'No not at all' He said almost instantly 'You sure?'

Basically, then he asked me to come to his, I asked why and when, he said now, I said what do you mean now, then he said I'm outside, take your time.

And that's why I'm here. Standing in front of my wardrobe unsure on what to wear. I mean I do know what to wear--in a way. I don't even know how long I've been stood here. I should probably hurry up.

Unable to decide, I just grab some things and go.

I run downstairs and shout goodbye to Emma and her 'not so secret boyfriend'

What am I wearing? Oh god. Oh. God. I look down and realise I'm wearing a Winnie The Pooh jumper with popping out ears. This day is going great already. I'm only going to make a fool out of myself again and again and again. The only thing decent about my outfit is my black legging and my trainers. I don't think the trainers count though.

Without taking any notice of my surroundings, I bump into Harry's car. Splendid. That's probably a dent. He rolls down his blacked-out window whilst I feel my face go red. Earth, I am truly begging you to swallow me. "Morning, love," Harry says with his dimply smile. I look at him and his smile fades away. Yep, he probably has just realised my terrible fashion choice. "You okay love?" I shake my head no for 2 reasons. One, to answer his question, though this isn't my real reason, it just fitted with my feelings. And two, to wipe away my overfilling thoughts and smile. And nod. And without saying a word, I make my way around his car and enter the passenger seat.


"We're around halfway, love." He states, concentrating on the road. I take a peek at his face. His concentrating face is great! No, Bloss, contain your giggles. It's a very slight frown and a very slight pout. It's, how people word it, dorky. Maybe not, I'm guessing again.

"I don't even know why you want me there so early." I chuckle. Then it all kicks in. This is the first time at his house. And, the way I'm heading, I'll most likely trip up and hit a saucepan, then the pan will turn on the oven and blow everything up. In fact, that's exactly what I think is going to happen.

"Love," I really have given up on saying that love is not my name. "No reason." Suddenly I can read him like a children's book. Mainly because that is clearly and blatantly a lie. No one, and I mean no one, would wake you up at 7 am for no reason. "Just to see if," There a short pause. Whatever words come out his mouth, I almost instantly know, is a lie. "I've helped with your writer's block." He stutters. Told you he'd lie. No one would wonder about my wellbeing. Except maybe Emma.

"Why do I suddenly feel like the person driving this car is a lier?" I ask. Bloss, why did you word it like that? I forget that though and smile. Harry eyes me as his dimples appear alongside his smile.

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