Chapter 16

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Claire P.O.V

I was sitting criss crossed on the bed next to Justin, who was laying down smiling at me. "C-Claire do y-you Uh think w-well have b-babies?" he says looking everywhere but at me. I grab his face in my hands so he will look at me "Do you want to have babies?" I ask and he eagerly nods with his head in my hands. I chuckle at him and kiss him for a long PERIODICALLY time. The kiss was sweet and gentle yet loving and passionate.

He intertwined his big hands in my small ones. His hands were soft and really big compared to mine. His blonde hair was sticking up every witch way, and he looked pretty funny. "Hey Justin do you think you might want travel the world one day." I say and he gives me a confused face. "I wouldn't want to travel the world when, its already in front of me." he says without stuttering and I'm left in awe. I grab his cheeks and sloppy kiss him "E-Ew Claire." he says and I kiss his cheek then he pecks my forehead.

I was cuddled up into Justin's chest, when he started to lightly suck on my neck. I moan and "You like that, baby?" He says confidently and he starts to rougher and harder. "Mmmm." I moan out and Justin groans.

I feel a sharp pain like I'm being stabbed in the neck with a knife. I push Justin off me and reach up to my neck, then to my fingers and saw a dark crimson color on my finger. I hear Justin whimpering "Why would you do that?" I ask Justin and he mumble under his breath.

I get up and go to the bathroom and start to clean it up. Once I finished I put a bandaid on the teeth marks. I walk into the bedroom and see Justin in the corner "S-Stupid Justin, w-why did y-you m-mark mate." he stutters, hitting himself repeatedly, I see brown tears spilling out his beautiful eyes.

I run over to Justin and hold him in my arms. "It's ok, baby you just wanted to make me yours." I say and soothingly rub his back and kiss his forehead. "Its ok jay, I'm fine. See." I say and point to the bandaid on my neck covering up the teeth marks.

"Justin n-never m-meant to h-hurt mate." he says shivering from the cold. "I know." I say and pull him up and lay him down on the warm bed and he instantly cuddles into the soft sheets. I turn the heater on so it will be warm and toasty for my jay.

I return to our room and cuddle against him he wraps his arms around my tiny frame. His hands roam my body and when he fines my butt he squeezes it, then giggles. I laugh at how cute he is.


Can I get 15 like please!!

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