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Justin's P.O.V.

(Flashback to 1 month prego)

"C-claire there's a small person in your t-tummy?" I ask her slightly confused. "Yes justin, and when he or she comes out you will be able to play with him or her and teach them things!" Claire say laughing.

"I c-can't believe t-there's going to b-be a smaller us!" I say with joy and look at me lovingly. I rub her feet that have gotten a little bigger over time but I still love her anyway.

Right now claire is asleep and as I'm resting my head on her belly I hear these weird sounds. I rub her tummy and the weird sounds stop. I giggle at my self and wrap my arms around my babygirl and my little baby.

(Flashback to 3 months prego)

My sweetheart has been yelling at me like a mad woman because she wants pickles and popcorn. I could give her my pickle, if you know what I mean;). I grab two pickles and start to pop the popcorn.

Once the popcorn was popped I put it into a bowl and made it extra buttery. I walked back into the room "Here y-you go Claire!"I say shyly. "Aww come here and cuddle with me." She said and I instantly snuggled my head in her chest and she chuckled at me causing me to blush bright red.

That day we found out we were having a boy and we felt it first kick. The doctor gave us pictures of the baby in Claire tummy, it was so small and cute.

(Flashback to 9 months prego)

Me and my precious babies were making cookies that she was craving, when all of a sudden Claire peed on herself. "Ok Justin the baby is coming I want you to stay calm and go get the bag from upstairs!" She said.

I quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed the bag then ran downstairs and saw her getting in the car. I put the bag in the backseat and quickly strap Claire and myself before zooming down the road to the nearest hospital.

We arrived at the hospital in less than 5 minutes and Claire was breathing hard and sweating like she had ran a marathon. There were nurses rushing over to Claire with a wheelchair. They brought us up to plain white room with a window, bathroom, and tv.

"Alright Claire I'm going to need you to push." The doctor said and she was screaming and crying and I felt so sad for her. I saw the baby starting to come out then all of a sudden there was blackness.

I woke up in a chair with ice pressed to my forehead. "And he's waking up." Someone say. "How ya doin you fainted and hit your head." A lady says and then everything comes back. "My baby where's my baby is he ok?!? Where is he?!??!! I ask jumping up happily. "He's in the room with your wife." She says and I blush when she says wife.

I race into Claire's room and see her holding our first baby. she sees me and I start to cry because it's to cute. "You can hold him jay." she say and she lay him in my arms gently. "What shall we call him?" She asks and I look up at her admiring her beauty. "Jason" I say.

(End of flashbacks)

A few years later we had our son Drew who is still a rebel till this day. After drew we got married and we are living in a mansion in Los Angeles , California. Jason has went off to college in New York and pursued his dream of becoming a writer.

Drew is living in his own apartment and he still goes to school he just prefers to live on his own.

Thanks for reading!!!

make sure you go read broken love

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