Chapter 17

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Justin's P.O.V.

I hear someone knocking, so I go to the door and open. I see it was max and some of his friends. "H-Hi Max." I say shyly not knowing any of the other people. "Awww does max have a boyfriend." a tall skinny boy said and max smack the back of his head. "Dude really." Max says. "Hey Justin these are my friends, Mark." He says pointing to the tall skinny boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "And that is Alex." he says pointing to a well built short guy that had a Mohawk, he has orange hair and green eyes.

I wave at them and they reply with 'sup' or 'hey'. "Lets go play some video games." Max say and they all go upstairs in max's room. I see my beautiful mate come down the stairs. She runs down the stairs to me but, she missed one of the wooden steps. she falls face first and starts to cry. I rush to her side, instantly feeling bad for. "I-it's ok." I say picking her small shaking body up, I set her on the couch.

"W-where does I-it hurt b-babygirl?" I say and she sniffles lightly pointing to her head. I nod my head at her, then start to massage her head. I see her eyes starting  to close but she keeps forcing them open, I place kisses all over face then on her lips. "Go to sleep." I say playing with her hair. She falls asleep peacefully in my arms. My eyes start to flutter close and the last thin I hear are her light snores.

(In his dream)

I scream her name but she doesn't hear me. I do everything I can to save her, but everything that I do is not good enough to save her. I cuddle into her cold lifeless body, my claire was really pale. I started to burst out in tears and it didn't stop their, I felt my heart hurt so bad. My body was becoming numb and soon enough I coukdnt hear anything but my heart beating. Soon enough my life slipped before my eyes.

(End of dream)

"Justin" I hear soft voice, so I look up and try to find the source of which it cam from. I flutter my eyes open to see my beautiful princess before me. I start crying "Oh baby, what's wrong?'' she says with a concerned look. "B-Bad dweam." I say pulling claire into my lap and hugging her tightly. "Aw baby, don't worry I'm right here." she says plating with my hair.

I see max and his friends coming down the stairs "Whoa did I miss something?" mark says looking the position were in. "Yea this is my boyfriend justin." claire says to him while looking up at me with love in her eyes. "Oh." he says looking down at his shoes.

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