Chapter 3

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Claire's P.O.V.

I woke up and heard soft cries followed by sniffles. I get up sluggishly and follow the cries. They're coming from the inside of the guest door, I slowly open the old door without creaking it. I walk over to the side of the bed and sit down, he still does not notice my presence.

I see light brown tears trailing down, one after the other and his breathing is rapidly getting heavier. He is having a nightmare; I used to have nightmare when I was little and my bother would always hold me and rock me till I fell asleep.

You see I can't really hold justin, so I scoot him over a little and let his head fall into my lap. I start to rub his back with one hand while the other hand plays with his soft hair.

I start softly singing 'u smile' by some person in the 2000's of whose name I forgot, oh well. He slowly start relaxing and purrs. I smile and notice he's not crying anymore and his breathing has gone back to normal.

I gently set him down but he literally cling onto me for dear life. I quietly giggle and lay next to him, "Goodnight, lover boy" I say to him he lightly smiles and holds me tighter. "Good night" he says and snuggles into me.


I wake up to find, my body tangled in someone's legs; I realize the events of last night and Justin's nightmare. "Buenos dias, Mi Amor," I said to Justin in a calm voice, "What d-did you s-say" Justin said and giggled at me. "I said good morning, my love" I said to a curious Justin.

"What's the matter?" I ask Justin, "Y-You just c-called m-me your l-love. D-do you really l-love me?" He asked in a baby voice. I was shocked I said that, even though I didn't say I love you, it was very close. "Uh," I said while looking into his gigantic hazel eyes. "Yes I do very much" I said shocking myself him and myself.

Justin hugs me tightly around my waist. "Thank y-you for l-loving m-me." He said standing up and lifting me on his hip. I'm not going to lie, he was very tall; almost touching the ceiling.

We heard the doorbell ring he slowly walked down the stairs with me still on his hip. He walks towards the door and opens it, we both see the person that I want to strangle standing right before us...



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Oct. 2 2014

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