twenty three : take care of brenda

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"So...I heard from a little birdy that Hoseok asked you out?" 

I turn back to give Taehyung and Jimin a dirty look. Taehyung looks away, pretending like he didn't meet my eyes while Jimin just stares back with a sorry smile. I sigh, turning back to answer Jin.

"Hoseok asked you out?" Yoongi walks over. 

"Hoseok?" Namjoon walks over too.

Is this water club part two?

I bury my face in my hands in embarrassment.

"Whoa there, Hoseok hyung asked someone out?" Jungkook skips over to the kitchen where we are with a curious smile.

Oh how I wish for the floor to swallow me up right now.

If I wasn't embarrassed enough before, I sure am now that everyone knows about it. I twist back to glare at Taehyung who still pretends like he doesn't see me.

"It's not like what you guys think," I groan. "We're going to gain some field experience for the upcoming school play." 

The boys exchange a few looks, then Jin talks, "Sounds like an excuse to me." He shrugs nonchalantly which makes me want to object, but deep down I know that he's right.

"Well, since you're going on a date," Taehyung finally says something as he walks up to me though I still give him the same hostile glare. "I will very unwillingly offer my help with your outfit," Taehyung says with a very satisfied smile, totally ignoring the dirty look I'm giving him.

"If you're that unwilling then I will dress myself accordingly."

Taehyung whips his head to look at me. "No no no, I can help," he says with a flustered smile.

"I don't need your help Tae, I can dress myself." I lay out the facts, and go back to drinking my water.

"Your fashion sense is literally non-existent Ave, you dress like you're ready to attend a funeral any second." I choke on the water, turning back yet again to glare at the man.

"No, I think I dress fine," I say, and it comes from the bottom of my heart. The look that the boys are giving me say otherwise.

"Okay maybe I do need some help," I grumble bitterly.

"Glad you know," Taehyung says with a smile. 

"When are you guys going out?" Yoongi asks with a curious expression.

"Uhm, if I remember correctly, we're going this Wednesday after he ends work," I say after recalling Hoseok's words.

"Well then how are you guys going to get there?" Yoongi asks again, this time with a small frown.

"What do you mean?"

"The only place you can watch a play is really far from here and Hoseok has no car. I can't lend it to you guys because I have something on that day so how are you guys going to get there then?"

"We'll figure something out I guess." The words came out of my mouth but I'm not too sure about it myself.

"Ah hah..." Taehyung sighs as he covers his face with his hands, but I can see a small smile peeking through the slits between his fingers. "Perhaps I can be of assistance." Removing his hand, I could finally see the grin he was so desperately trying to hide.

"How are you going to help?"

"Oh you'll see."


It's Wednesday, which means it's the day I'm going out with Hoseok to watch the play.

After spending the whole morning in school, I'm back in the comforts of home in the afternoon. Usually I would try not to go out twice in one day since it wears out my social battery.

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