twenty one : we ride at dawn

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"Mr Jung? Are you awake?" 

The constant knocking on door makes Aveline stir awake like how panic is getting stirred up in Hoseok. The annoying headache hammering against his senses is thrown to the back of his mind and he quickly wakes Aveline.

"Wake up, your friend is here!" He whisper-shouts aggressively in his morning voice.

"Hmm?" Aveline groans groggily, stretching lightly. "My friend...?" Her eyes, which were originally half-shut, are now wide open once she realises who this friend Hoseok is talking about. 

"Shit shit shit!" She jumps out of bed, running her fingers through her hair as she tries to think of a feasible solution to lead them out of the situation. The cogs in her head are turning at an unbelievably furious rate as she scrambles to make up an excuse. She paces around the room, biting her finger lightly between her teeth.

Aveline's head rises and that's how Hoseok knows she has a plan that would definitely work. She walks up to the door while taking a few deep breaths, then without any hesitation, she opens the door to reveal a worried Callie.

"Ave! Where the heck were you?" Callie immediately asks upon seeing Aveline. Her eyes scan through Aveline to make sure that she's fine before finally feeling the heavy weight of concern being lifted off her chest.

"I went down this morning to eat from the buffet." Aveline smiles naturally, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. "I forgot to bring the room key so I had to ask him for help." She explains quietly. Though she feels guilty for lying to Callie, it's not like all of it was a lie. It's true that she was locked out of the room because she didn't have the key.

Callie's eyes dart between Aveline and Hoseok and it's obvious that she's suspicious of the excuse. But she lets it go.

"Just spam call me next time, okay?" Aveline nods, reassuring the other girl.

Without even turning back to look at Hoseok, Aveline leaves with Callie for their room. The second Callie is sure no one else can hear them talk, she confronts Aveline.

"Are you going to tell me the truth now?" She asks with her arms crossed in a rigid manner. Aveline opens her mouth but Callie cuts her off. 

"If you're gonna lie to me again, I'll let you know that I'll be extremely disappointed in you." Aveline frowns bitterly after hearing what Callie said.

"I bumped into him last night after going out to get a towel. He was really drunk so I took care of him and left but I forgot to bring the card when I left so he let me stay in his room." She sighs after seeing the look on Callie's face.

"You didn't have to lie to me Ave, you know I won't judge you for your choices." Her voice cracks a little just like how Aveline's heart shattered after seeing how betrayed Callie felt.

"I didn't want to lie, it's just that Hoseok doesn't know I told you everything. I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings." That being said, the both of them close in for a hug.

"It's okay, I understand." Callie quickly pulls away and with a cheeky smile, she pinches Aveline's cheek lightly. "Now let's pack our bags or we'll be late."


"Ave, my baby! You're finally back!" Taehyung cries out dramatically.

I sigh though I can't hide the smile which tugs on my lips. Dropping my bags to the floor, I open my arms wide. Taking the hint, Taehyung rushes up for a hug and we stand there crushing each other's lungs.

"I missed you too Tae!"

Namjoon chuckles from the sofa as he watches our exaggerated reunion. "It's only been two days, not two years, you guys."

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