eighteen : not the guy, the movie

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"Aveline, please come to my office later." Hoseok says as he grabs all his things.

I click my tongue discreetly. I didn't really want to be alone with him considering the fact that we woke up in each other's arms this morning. So far, it seems like Hoseok has no idea about what happened in my bed. That or he's pretending not to know. Either way, I'm not looking forward to being alone in the same room as him.

"Can I help you?" I ask restlessly, leaning against the door to his office.

"Sit down, I have something to discuss with you." He points with his chin, beckoning me over though his eyes don't leave his laptop's screen.

"What is it?" My tone makes the man raise his head.

Hoseok pauses, "If this is about last night then I apologise. I won't barge into your room like that ever again." He gives me a tight smile. "I hope you can forget about it."

I wanted you to forget about this morning but now you're asking me to forget about last night?

"It's totally fine, I wasn't upset about that."

Hoseok claps his hands. "Well then, let's get started." He exhales and his eyes trail back to the screen. "The school wants us to host a play before the break starts. We only have around a month left so we have to hold an audition for the parts as soon as we can."

"What play?" I ask slowly, his topic having grabbed my attention.

"I'm not sure yet. I will definitely be choosing it soon though, just not now." Hoseok clasps his fingers together. "For now, I need you to inform the class that there will be a play and everyone is required to take part in it. It'll be counted as the final project before you guys go for your internships."

He rubs his chin, his eyes looking away as he thinks. "How about next Thursday? I'll print out the script and parts so the class can audition for the parts they want. We can do it during class so no one has to take out time."

"Should be fine." I take out my phone from my pocket, typing out a quick message then sending it to the class. "Done." I show him the screen with the evidence.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first." I give him a small smile, placing the strap on my shoulder again as I prepare to leave.

"One last thing," Hoseok suddenly says, stopping me before I can leave the seat. "So I've been thinking, we're already half way into this term and I believe it's time to go on a field trip."

"A field trip?" I stop in my tracks, gradually sitting back down.

Hoseok hums, "We can go to famous filming sites that aren't too far away."

I bob my head, "How about Goblin? I think most people know that drama. We can go to see the flower fields."

Hoseok puckers his lips as he thinks. "I'll take that into consideration. But I need you to send out a notification to the class and get a list of the people who are going."

"Okay, I'll get you the list before auditions start.?"

"That's good for me. I will send you the confirmed locations, date and time before Sunday."



"Their food was actually pretty good Kook, and it would've been better if I wasn't the one who paid." Jin says with a sarcastic smile, patting Jungkook on the shoulder.

Yoongi peeks over the older man's shoulder, "I told you I could've paid hyung."

"Forget it, considering the fact that I'm the oldest one here, I'll just pay coolly." Jin sighs dramatically before cracking a smile after seeing the rest of the boys' faces.

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