forty two : it might turn into a kink

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"Aveline Lee." 

The sound of my heart beating in my chest seems louder than the voice of the woman calling out my name in that moment. It feels surreal having the spotlight shine down on me as I walk to the center of the stage. Among the sea of unfamiliar faces, I manage to spot the man seated with the educational staff. I move my line of sight to the middle where five boys reside in their seats.

They look proud.

The rain of applause brings my focus back onto the stage. I shake the principal's hand and we take a picture together. Before I can leave the stage, he congratulates me with a beaming smile. At the end of the stage are my fellow peers with the same joyful grin. 

It's been a good three years in this university and I think we all feel the same. All the memories we've made during will become a good story to tell in the future, all the regrets will become nothing much when we grow old.

After the ceremony, we all move off to find our family members and close ones to take pictures so that we can remember this day in the days to come.

Likewise, the boys get up from their seats while peering around like meerkats as they try to find Aveline. However, the number of people in the hall played against them because all they can see are heads moving around.

"Should we get out first?" Namjoon leans over and says to the group with his hands cupped around his mouth.

"Yeah, let's go, it's too crowded." Yoongi grimaces before beckoning for his friends to leave.

They finally breathe out in relief once they escape from the packed hall. Before they can even catch their breath, however, a group of girls walk up to them.

"Hi, uhm, we noticed you guys in the hall just now." One of the girls in the group tries her best to smile appealingly but it's obviously not doing much except causing discomfort.

"Can we help you?" Namjoon steps forward.

"We just wanted to know if we could get your numbers." Another girl pipes up.

Jungkook shuffles back awkwardly as he tries to hide behind Jin. Jimin notices this.

Mustering up the most polite smile he can manage, he steps forth. "Sorry—"

"Sorry girls, they're not available." Jimin's eyes whip to look at the girl who's stepped in front of them. "You see this guy here?" She turns back and meets Jimin's eyes for a second. He stops. His heart lunges in his chest when he meets the pair of charismatic hazel eyes which caught his interest the moment he met them. He's seen these eyes before, but where?

"Yeah he's gay." She says, smiling smugly at the flabbergasted group of girls who are now shifting uncomfortably. 

Jimin frowns deeply, similar to the expression the girls have. In contrast, the boys are snickering playfully behind his back.

"Why are you guys still here?" The brown eyed girl asks again, this time annoyance slightly laced in her tone. Hence, the group of girls scamper off without another word.

"Gay? Me?" Jimin scoffs as soon as they leave his line of sight.

She turns around, a smirk present on her face. "Well, the gays are the finest. It's good to see you again, Jimin...right?"

Jimin gulps, watching as her eyes delicately trace the outlines of his figure. What's this unfamiliar feeling registering in his chest? Is he...nervous? It's strange, he's never felt this way before, not when he's usually the one causing the heart fluttering.

"I guess I didn't make strong enough of a first impression." Her features soften into a smile.

"Nice to meet you Jimin, I'm Callie." 

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