four : water club

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My hands are scurrying as I try my best to catch up with what Mr Jung is saying. The way he's conducting his lesson right now is as if he's spitting bars from a rap verse. The way he sneaks a few glances at me here and there before a smug smile takes over his lips has me convinced that he's doing it on purpose.

It's been a few days since I've been appointed as Mr Jung's class representative. There's no better way to describe it than hell really. Everyday I come to his lessons and leave with anxiety crawling through my mind, and my hands numb.

Callie gawks at the notebook I'm so furiously scribbling on for dear life. "Did he even say so many things? Slow down Ave," she whispers-shouts, but I can't stop. Not now. If I don't do this properly he's probably going to scream at me in front of the class.

I can't deal with that, I can't give him another reason to humiliate me.

As I continue to hypnotize myself into writing down everything, Callie stares at the side of my face. "Are you this scared of him?" she says in disbelief and even though I want to turn to her and give her a death glare, I have to continue writing.

"I'm not scared," I gulp, "I just don't want to give him a reason to embarrass me." 

"Do you want me to help?" I shake my head as much as I desperately want to say yes and run away from his class.

"You already helped me that day and I got into trouble because of that, I have to do this." She looks at me with pity encasing her eyes. 

Callie sighs before turning back to the man who is torturing you. "Hojerk...he's not very hot anymore," she mumbles to herself. 

My eyes are burning at this point, afraid to blink since I might miss even one word coming out of his mouth. My hands are dirty, smudged by ink but I'm careful to not let it get on the paper. 

I can't give him mistakes to pick on. 

My hands tremble without stop due to the lack of pauses and rests to regain energy. I pant unknowingly, arms sore and fingers a mess.

"That's all for today." 

The moment he says those words, I relax my body and slump into the poor chair which shrieks due to the sudden increase in workload.

But Mr Jung doesn't give me a second to relax or to check over the notes because he summons me to the front right away. "Ms Lee, your notes please." He smiles and raises an eyebrow when I glare at him. 

Gathering every ounce of energy left in me, I pick up the book and myself and make my way towards him while squeezing through the wave of students fighting to leave the room.

He doesn't say a word as I pass him the book. He doesn't say a word as his eyes run through each word and line. He doesn't say a word as he flips the page. He still doesn't say a word even as he nods while putting down my notebook.

But his eyes say it all.

I close my eyes and prepare for whatever bullshit he's going to say this time. However, what he says is different from what I had expected.

"You did well." Mr Jung smiles. 

My face scrunches in confusion and I stutter as I try to form words but nothing comes out.

"Is that what you thought I would say even when you submitted this...this low quality work?" His eyes harden as he stares at me.

Will the floor please eat me up right now? 

I can feel my eyes trembling again and the feeling of nausea stirs in my stomach.

He's going to shame me in front of people again. 

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