twenty four : you sneaky bastard

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"Your idea of fun is a little messed up Vel." Hoseok grunts in displeasure.

"Don't be such a killjoy, come on!" I smirk watching him struggle to take even a step forward.

"I don't know how to skate!" He whines, grabbing onto the ledge and refusing to let go.

After getting out from the theatre, I had spotted this shopping mall which contains an ice-skating rink. I thought it would be fun for Hoseok and I to skate for a bit before we go have dinner together. 

"I'll teach you." I hold my hand out patiently as I wait for him to take it. Hoseok watches the rink carefully, mentally noting that there isn't many people since it's a weekday. Meaning that even if he falls multiple times, not many would be there to see him.

"How about this?" He pitches an idea. "You can show me how to do it, like a trailer or something. I need some time to mentally prepare myself." The genuinely scared glint in his eyes makes me yield to his request.

"Well since you asked nicely." I set off into the rink, skating fluently and effortlessly. Showing off a few tricks, I return to the entrance where Hoseok is still holding on for dear life.

"Now can we go?" I smile, holding out my hand again.

Breathing deeply, he carefully reaches for my hand and I grasp onto his fingers tightly. Hoseok stands awkwardly with his butt sticking out in the air while his knees remain as stiff as logs. Clutching tightly, I bring him further into the space so that he can't rely on the ledge.

"Vel I'm scared." I can't help but to smile as I watch his face change. 

"Don't be, I'll make sure you don't fall." Glancing at him, I hold his other hand as I gradually start to increase my speed. 

"You're going too fast, slow down!" Hoseok says sharply with a worried and fearful frown.

"The last time I went this fast I fell hard on my butt and I don't want a repeat of that day." He shudders upon remembering the day his butt became soaked after falling down on the cold and wet ice. 

"If it wasn't for Jungkook, I would never had let go of the ledge." He huffs. 

"You need to relax, bend your knees and look at me." Looking at the fretful Hoseok, I decide that I need to help him take his mind off his fear of falling.

"You know, I always wanted to date someone who's good at skating." I chuckle while watching Hoseok try his best not to fall. "I thought it would be romantic for someone to hold my hands while teaching me how to skate." 

Hoseok swallows his saliva anxiously, his eyes never leaving the floor. "But you already know how to skate."

"That's because I used to follow Namjoon to the ice rink in hopes of finding a boyfriend who knows how to skate. Who would've thought? In order to get a guy in the rinks to teach me I needed to know how to get inside without falling every step of the way." I sigh while shaking my head.

"That's okay, at least I can depend on you since you know how to skate." Hoseok finally cracks a small smile. I can feel his grip loosen slightly now that he's getting used to the feeling of being on ice.

"True." I nod. Seeing Hoseok slowly gain confidence, a naughty idea is starting to pop into my head. We skate over the ice for a bit more so that he can get more used to it.

"Hoseok," I start, preparing to put my plan into action.

"Hmm?" The man replies cluelessly. 

"You got this, don't panic and you won't fall." I let go of both his hands.

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