one : are you a rapper

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"Aveline! I missed you!"

I close my eyes, preparing for the impact when I see my best friend, Callie, running up to me. The air is almost knocked out of my lungs as she closes in for a hug. I stand still, letting her do her thing.

"It's only been three days, you came over to my house that day, gosh. Stop being so clingy!" I slap her hands which are starting to snake towards my ass.

"Okay, okay! Chill!" she exclaims, rubbing her hands with a small pout.

Looking at the huge building in front of me, I can't help but to sigh.

"We're back in the hell hole."

It's finally the last semester of my university life. Sometimes I wonder how exactly I managed to survive the past two years, but one thing's for sure: I am going to graduate from this depressing place.

"Oh yeah, since this is our last semester, there won't be much lessons. We have to concentrate on our final project now."

I frown at the thought of having to start another project but knowing that it's the last one wipes away all the depression.

"You know what you're gonna do?" I say, looking over at Callie as she shrugs.

"Nope, but this lesson will help us to decide. It's Ms Park's lesson right now."

Even though I don't mean to, my face brightens at the mention of Ms Park.

"I love her lessons, she's such a good person." I turn to look at Callie with a smile, but a hesitant tap on my shoulder makes me turn around.

A boy stands there, glasses sliding down his nose bridge as he stares down at the floor. He adjusts his glasses, sneaking short and awkward glances at me as he tries to figure out what to say.

"H-Hi!" He hurriedly shoves a packet of strawberry milk into my hands. "For you..."

I jump at the sudden action.

"Thanks...Kiseok." I smile awkwardly, unsure of how to react. The boy before me nods, biting his lip before scurrying off. I look away from his disappearing figure, shivers running down my spine as I observe the packet of milk in my hands.

"He's still bothering you? It's been so long, god!" Callie clicks her tongue in annoyance before snatching the drink from my hands and tossing it into the nearest bin.

"Thanks Cal." I grin and link my arm in hers again.

"When is he gonna back off, sheesh. He even followed you here!" she mumbles angrily to herself.

"I don't's the last semester though, maybe he'll stop after we graduate." I thin my lips.

Callie glares at no one in particular, "These people won't stop even if you get married, you have to draw the line!" She pulls at my sleeve, making me stop in my tracks.

"I'll try. Come on, let's go to class."


Class ends in a blur with my mind still blank. I have zero ideas on what I'm planning to do for my final project.

A sigh runs through my throat and I slump down against the chair in defeat. The café music plays in the background along with the whirring of espresso machines. My hand reaches out for my drink in sadness though I only limply hold it against my lips.

"Ave, what's wrong?" Callie frowns in concern.

"I can't think of what to do for the final project," I say, feeling depressed.

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