two : hojerk

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"My life is way too chaotic for me to be doing this right now." I sigh, watching as Callie poses for the pictures.

"Okay, we can eat now," Callie says as she reaches out a hand to grab the chopsticks, smacking her lips as she looks at the food placed on the table between us.

I give her a judgmental look, "I'm not saying you can't take pictures but I've been taking pictures for you for the past 10 minutes."

Callie pouts, looking at me before apologizing.

"Come on, let's eat." I lick my lips, swallowing my saliva before digging into the meal.

"Thanks for cooking Ave," she says. Her eyes shine as she observes the plate of food.

Callie had come over to my house to have lunch before helping me to pack my things so that I can move into the Kim brother's house as soon as possible. Of course, I'm reluctant to move as soon as I can, but delaying it also means that my mother's vacation will be delayed and I don't want to do that to her.

"Remember how I told you about my mum going on that vacation?"

Callie looks up at me as she chews.

"So she's going with the neighbour next door, Mrs Kim, and she's forcing me to live with her sons. All three of them," I say with a sigh.

"Mrs Kim...the one that bakes delicious cookies?"

"Yeah, quite cliche that her son is a pastry chef now." I smile slightly as the image of Jin appears in my mind.

" you're going to be living with three guys for how long again?" She narrows her eyes.

As I answer her, her eyes start to widen before they crinkle into a teasing grin. "Maybe you'll fall in love with one of them." She giggles, wiggling an eyebrow. But before she can say anymore, I cut her off with a light flick to her forehead and a glare. Callie winces with a small 'ouch'.

"They're my childhood friends Cal. If I was going to fall in love with them I would have done so much earlier."

"True." She nods and starts to poke at her chicken. "But haven't seen them in such a long time. They've probably changed a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if you fell for one of them this time." She turns back to look at me, an innocent look on her face.

They have changed, a lot at that, but in the end they will always be the three boys who treat me as a younger sister.

"Trust me, that won't happen. I won't fall in love with any guy who lives in that house," I speak with a surprising amount of determination.

Callie sucks in a breath, "If you say so. But since you fall in love so easily, I wouldn't be this quick to judge if I were you." She shrugs, lips smooth with hints of laughter.

I frown at what she says but manage to contain myself. "Never mind," I pause, "let's just finish eating so you can help me pack my stuff."

I should've known that packing with Callie would be a roller coaster ride. Sure, an extra pair of hands helps immensely, but I forgot that Callie's someone who overdoes things sometimes.

"I'm only going for three months, not 3 years, gosh!" I finally exclaim in frustration, staring at what she's holding in her hands.

"But you'll definitely need a sleeveless shirt!" she says while putting on a pitiful face even though it has zero effect on me.

"We're in the middle of fall Cal," I deadpan and stare at her with a hand on my hip.

"Okay, okay, fine..." she mutters while raising both hands as a sign of defeat. Callie pouts as she walks towards my bed, planting herself there.

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