thirty six : three words

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I'm trudging into the house and only Jin and Namjoon are there in the living room. Their eyes are immediately drawn to me the moment I step through the door.

"Ave!" Jin calls out, making me stop in my tracks. I slowly turn to look at him and his eyes widen.

"Holy shit you look like death-ow!" Jin is cut off after Namjoon delivers a blow to his arm.

"He meant to ask you what you want to have for dinner, Jimin is buying for us on his way home." Namjoon explains carefully.

"I'm fine with anything," I smile weakly before continuing on my path back to my room.

"By the way, Taehyung is waiting for you upstairs." I nod my head to acknowledge that I heard them.

Sure enough, Taehyung is leaning against my door frame with crossed arms when I get to the top of the stairs. I glance to the door on the right.

It's open.

"He's not home, don't worry." Taehyung says right after he catches me looking at Hoseok's room.

I force a smile and walk up to the man. "Is there something you need from me?"

Taehyung's eyes are full of mystery as he looks down at me. He straightens himself and slides his hands into his pockets. "I just wanted to make sure that everything is okay with you." He shrugs, tightening his lips.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I can tell that Taehyung doesn't quite believe me from the way the corner of his mouth twitches like he has something to add on.

Taehyung sighs, pulling his hands out of his pockets to cross them. He looks me straight in the eye. "I saw what happened yesterday, you don't need to pretend like you're okay."

"Tae please, I don't want to have this conversation right now." I sigh, shifting away from the man as I try to enter the room. Taehyung sticks out his left hand, blocking the entrance so that I can't go in.

"Aveline." Taehyung says sternly and I know that there's no escaping from this conversation.

"Then what am I supposed to do? She says that she still loves him."

"Can you put yourself first for once? It doesn't matter if she still loves him, they broke up ages ago! Right now, you love hyung and he loves you too." Taehyung is getting riled up after hearing that Emily told me she still has feelings for Hoseok.

But he doesn't know what else she told me.

"I don't know Tae, I'm confused. I don't know if he really loves me." I admit. It's been bothering me the whole day and even saying it out loud doesn't help to get rid of the stuffiness fogging my chest.

"What are you talking about? Of course he loves you, that's why you're together!" His eyebrows are knitted together in confusion and frustration.

"That's what I thought too."

From my bag, I fish out the keys Emily gave me earlier in the morning.

"This is the key Emily gave me this morning. If Hoseok still has feelings for her, this key will prove it." Grabbing Taehyung's hand, I pull him into Hoseok's room.

My eyes roam around his room until I spot the only book which fits the description and the picture I had in my head. Three steps is all it takes for me to reach the book and remove it from the rack where it stands with the others.

I turn around to look at Taehyung, lifting the book to confirm that it exists. Taehyung blinks, his eyes resting on the book in distrust. My heart is going crazy in my chest but I know I have to do this, I have to get to the bottom of this.

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