twenty eight : i'll steal your pillows

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I grab onto my phone under my pillow and pressed on the call button next to Callie's name.

I was feeling much better after eating the medicine and taking a nap. At least I could see without the room spinning every second.

I wait for her to pick up.


Her booming voice hurt my ears like usual but this time it actually felt nice to hear her voice.

"Hi Cal," 

"Oh god, I was so worried!" Concern is laced on her tone as she continues. "Are you feeling better now?"

I smile, "Yeah, thanks to Hoseok."

I can almost picture the sorry look on her face as she talks, "Sorry...I know you didn't want me to tell him..."

"I understand, you were worried. I don't blame you, okay?"

I hear a small sigh of relief over the line.

"I'm just glad you feel better now." Callie pauses for a moment and I suddenly hear what sounds like a slap from her side. 

"What's going on?" I ask, slowly sitting up on the bed.

"I totally forgot!" She groans loudly. "We had to apply for our internship today remember?" I nod slowly but then I remember that she can't see me so I grunt in response. 

"Well you weren't there so I assumed you're probably applying on another day right? But I overheard the teachers saying you have to find your own company, and the school won't be responsible for what happens to you if you don't find one."

My jaw drops immediately.

"But I didn't go to school today because I'm sick!" I run my fingers through my hair, muttering angrily with an exasperated expression.

"What are you going to do now? The deadline is in a few days, you have to have a company by the time the postings are out."

"I'll have to figure something out I guess." I bite my finger lightly as a frown displays on my features. I rack my brains trying to think of a possible candidate I can apply for and actually have a good chance of my proposal actually getting accepted.

"Actually, I think I know who I can go to."

I promptly end the call with Callie and went on my mission. After going through the trouble to dig through my bag for that business card, I finally find it in one of the pockets.

"There it is!" I exclaim with joy. I call the number stated on the thick piece of paper. The recipient answers after a few rings and a bubbly voice comes up on the line.

"Good evening, this is Emily Kim's office. How may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm actually looking for Ms Kim?" After exchanging a few words with the secretary and explaining to her the situation, she gets Emily on the phone for me.

"Hello, this is Emily Kim." The familiar voice pipes up over the line. I exhale in relief.

"Hi Emily, it's me, Aveline." 

"Oh? What a surprise, why the sudden call?" 

I hesitate for a second, fiddling with my fingers in embarrassment. "Uhm...the offer you made that day, is it still available?" Emily pauses over the phone, probably trying to make sense of my words. 

"That day you asked me if I would be interested to consider interning at your company, remember?" I ask cautiously. I had rejected her so hard that day, it wouldn't come as a surprise if she decided not to help me.

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