sixteen : collective angry faces

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The next few days kept both of us on edge.

The deadline was approaching soon but we had stopped practicing together after the momentary kiss from that day. It's starting to make me think if I made the wrong decision of wanting it.

The other boys have been pestering us constantly, asking us to show them again since Yoongi didn't manage to see it. I couldn't bring myself to tell them the reason why Hoseok and I aren't able to. It's a topic I've been avoiding, well, until now that is.

"Come on Ave, just show us again! We won't make fun of you!" Taehyung pouts, his eyes glimmering under the kitchen light.

I shoot a careful glance at Hoseok who seems to remain unbothered by the harassment. "Tae, we've already shown you guys once. I think it's enough."

"No! Yoongi hyung hasn't seen it yet. He needs to see it too, Avey." I roll my eyes at his attempt in sucking up to me using the same excuse he's been using for the past few days.

"You don't know that Tae! Yoongi probably can't be bothered with this insignificant thing." Taehyung grabs onto my forearm, his face scrunching into an even more frustrated one when he senses that his efforts are being swatted away like pesky flies. I push his arm away sternly and open my mouth to speak.

"I do want to see it." Yoongi suddenly says. His words completely bash down on my own reason and he leaves no space for a counter argument. "I want to watch you guys act." Yoongi smiles innocently.

Taehyung's eyes which had dimmed before are now as bright as stars as he stares at me again with a hopeful look. A chorus of 'Me too' s resonate through the kitchen which leads me to a sigh.

"Let's just do it. They want to see it again." Hoseok says nonchalantly and that makes me wonder if he forgot what happened. Or maybe it just doesn't matter to him?

I keep my thoughts to myself and nod bitterly.

Like a routine, I end up in Hoseok's room yet again. I wasn't as eager or excited for this practice like I was before the kiss had happened. I just wanted it to be over.

We run through the script but I remain half-hearted the entire time. I can tell that Hoseok put his soul into every practice and that made me guilty. He doesn't have to do this. Hoseok doesn't have to be this hard working since it won't affect him in any way but he still puts in the work.

"Why are you trying so hard? It doesn't cost you anything even if you don't try." I finally ask from frustration.

I don't know why I'm getting upset. I don't know why I'm acting like a child. This isn't like me, it isn't like me to get annoyed over something as trivial as this.

Hoseok blinks, "Because this is your assignment. It doesn't cost me anything but if I don't do well it'll affect you and your performance so I'll have to put in my all." He says it like it's a matter of fact but his words acted like a slap which woke me up.

The truth is that I was acting immaturely by obsessing over my own thoughts which only sprouted from my over thinking. I need time to sort my thoughts and my feelings I didn't realise I needed to address.

"They're waiting." My voice is barely higher than a whisper.

Hoseok's brow jumps. "There's still the last part left?"


Hoseok doesn't use words to communicate, he uses his body. His fingertips dance against my arm as he pulls me closer to him. His other hand circles my waist and brings me closer to him such that our bodies are pressed together endearingly.

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