thirty : can i

53 7 0

"Something I need to know?" Hoseok tilts his head slightly while staring at me curiously. I nod, inhaling deeply.

The blinding lights from the convenience store pierces into our line of sight. The employee looks like he's already starting to close the store.

"Wait, let's go buy the ice cream first, I think they're closing soon." He pulls my hand, leading me into the store to the ice cream section.

We pick out the different types of ice cream before heading to the cashier to pay. Hoseok leaves first while I wait for the clerk to print our receipt. I make sure that Hoseok is out of hearing range so that I can tell the person something.

"Can you print another copy for me?" It looks like he's a little weirded out by my request but he still does it.

Taking the two receipts from the man, I leave the store to join Hoseok who's standing outside with the bag in his hands.

"Sorry I cut you off, what did you want to say to me?" He smiles sheepishly, the bag swinging in his hands.

Placing one of the receipts in my pockets, I focus on folding the one I'm holding.

"Do you remember the night of our class trip when you were showering?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

The piece of paper in my hands is starting to take a form.

"I found your wallet on the floor." Hoseok stays silent but I can feel him tensing up beside me. I reach into my pocket to take out the other piece of paper and I start to fold it.

"I saw a picture inside."

"I can explain—"

"I know she's your ex and that you guys have already broken up."


I hold the origami in both my hands and turn to face Hoseok. The plastic bag in his hands come to a slow stop like the man holding it.

"I know that maybe this isn't the right time, and that there's a chance you still have feelings for her. But I really need to tell you this." I gulp and extend my hand towards Hoseok.

If someone were to ask me when I fell for him, I wouldn't be able to pinpoint the exact time, date or location. Even I don't know when these feelings started because one day Hoseok just started looking like a different version of himself to me. At some point of time, Hoseok became my reason to wake up every day and the reason for my smiles. Hoseok became my greatest joy. 

And I've never known a joy more effortless than the one I've found in him. 

I open up my palm to reveal the two neatly folded origami hearts. Taking his free hand in mine, I pry open his fingers, placing both the hearts in his palm.

If possible, I want to be his reason for everything too. I want to be that beautiful ending of his no one else has ever thought of.

"These two hearts, one of them represents mine and the other represents yours." I angle my head so that I can get a good view of Hoseok's face.

"I gave you my heart because I really like you Hoseok," I watch as a flicker of surprise flashes by his eyes. "and I need to know if you like me too."


"I'm going to count to three. If there's even a sliver of chance that we can be together, then trust me with your heart because I swear I'll protect it with everything in my power." I close my eyes with my hand still extended.


There's a chance that Hoseok could become another passing event in my life in the next few minutes, or he could become the main one.   

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