eight : that man is my teacher

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"How did the dates with them go?"

I turn to look at Callie whose eyes are shining with curiosity.

"It was...interesting," I reply after thinking carefully. Callie seems to be unsatisfied with my answer because she opens her mouth to probe further.

But before she can say anything, the door opens and Hoseok struts in. She gives me a look which tells me that she's not going to leave it there.

Hoseok claps twice to get the class' attention. "Good morning class, I have your first assignment with me today."

The class groans to which he replies with a smile.

"I know this is only an elective but I hope you guys can put in effort, okay?" He gazes across the classroom and our eyes meet.

The morning after our...outing was less awkward than I had expected it to be. Maybe it was because he was quite drunk and didn't remember much but he seemed more comfortable around me. Though I wasn't sure whether he had any memories, I remembered everything.

"The assignment will require you guys to write and read a poem." Hoseok crosses his arms, pacing around the room as he talks. "This will test your ability to showcase you emotions and how well you can use those emotions."

He stands still, smiling as he prepares for his next sentence. "Since it's a short poem, it'll be due in two days where I'll personally grade your performances."

The room erupts into a flood of complaints at his words. Two days really isn't enough to practice even if it is a short poem. Not to mention, we still have to write the poem ourselves.

"I'll be giving you guys a template so don't worry." He settles the class down, pressing a finger against his lips.

"I have confidence that every one of you will do great. No need to feel pressured."

How are we not supposed to feel pressured when you say it like that...

"Aveline, my class rep." He locks eyes with me. "Stay back after class, I need to give you some instructions."

Oh no.

What's he going to do this time?

My thoughts remain as thoughts until the lesson ends. Though I have to thank him for helping me escape from Callie's interrogation.


I knew he was up to no good but I didn't expect for him to do this.

His outstretched palm causes a wave of panic to wash over me.

"Mr Jung, I don't think this is very appropriate." I frown. The first thing he said after class ended was for me to give him my phone number.

There's no need right? We're living under the same roof, right across each other too, he can tell me anything whenever he wants to whenever he wants to!

Why does he need my number?!

Hoseok pinches his nose bridge before handing over his phone again. "I need your number to send you the list of students and the order they will be tested in so that you can send it to them for me." He removes his hand from his face, turning to give me an irked stare.

"O-Oh." My face flushes and I quickly key my number into his phone before handing it back to him.

He takes back his phone, and looks at me. "Why are you still standing there? You can go." I'm sure that by now my face is as red as a fully ripe tomato. Without waiting another second, I exit from the teacher's office.

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