nineteen : say cheese

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"Aveline, can help me do a head count? I'll go put the bags in and we'll be good to go."

"Yeah sure, just come when you're done." I reassure the man before leaving to enter the bus where the rest of my classmates were.

Somehow, Hoseok managed to arrange everything in the span of a week, and so we were on our way to the first location.

"That's everyone..." I mutter, placing a tick to the last name on the list. Hoseok walks up the steps of the bus, coming up to stand behind me due to the lack of space.

"Is everyone here?" I nod my head and hand him the paper full of ticks.

"Okay, thanks Aveline." He speaks in a slightly hushed tone.

"Good morning guys, I know it's still really early right now but I promise we'll have fun for the next two days." Hoseok gives a wide smile and the students start to clap and cheer.

"Let's go!" 

I plop myself into a seat beside Callie who still seems to be out of it. Taking out my phone and my earpiece from my bag, I throw a glance in Callie's direction. 

"Are you okay Cal?" I chuckle, looking at her groggy self. 

Callie gives me a dazed look, "Huh? Yeah I'm fine, just really sleepy." 

I plug the wire into my phone and stuffed one side of the earbuds into my ear. "Sleep, I'll wake you up later." She simply acknowledges me with a yawn before falling asleep within minutes.

Scrolling through my phone, I choose a song before closing my eyes to try to get some rest. However, my phone starts to vibrate as it brings along a notification. 

Notification from Mr Jung! What are you...

A smile grows on my face as I press onto the notification.

 Mr Jung

Mr Jung: What are you doing right now?

Aveline: Nothing much.

Aveline: Just jamming to a few songs :)

Mr Jung: Oh? I'm trying to find some new songs to try out, any recommendations?

Aveline: Hmm, there are a few I've been listening to which are decent.

Aveline: I'll send a playlist to you, go listen to it :D

Mr Jung: I don't have my earpiece with me, I'll listen when we get home?

Aveline: Or I could just lend you mine? 

Mr Jung: That works too.

I switch off my phone, checking to see if anyone else is awake to see me going up to Hoseok. Thankfully, the others are either in dreamland or engrossed in whatever they are doing. I quietly get up, walking stealthily to Hoseok's seat at the front. 

"Here you go." I pass him the earphones before quickly retreating back to my spot. If I had stayed for just a few more seconds, I would've been able to see the big smile on his face. 

As the bus whizzes past cars and trees, the roads start to become emptier. The clouds follow behind us as we get closer to our destination which is near the countryside. Awhile later, the bus comes to a steady stop. Hoseok gets up from his seat and he turns back to face the class.

"Alright guys, we're here at our first location. Alight carefully and watch your step!" His words cue the stampeding of multiple feet.

A gentle breeze passes by, teasing my skin as it dances away. The rays of the big yellow sun casts an almost bronze hue over my skin as I bath in it's glory. Even thought it's already towards the end of the year, the field of flowers have bloomed. Snow-white petals are dusted on the tips of each stalk, making it quite the sight to behold.

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