Toy store

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I smiled as Daddy changed me into light blue overalls. I was so excited about today.

I was a good boy all week and now we were gonna go to the toy store as a treat and I would get to pick out whatever toy I wanted! I was ec- ecsta- ecstatic! Yeah, that word is what I felt about today!

"Okay baby boy, let's get your sock and shoes on. Then off to the toy store." He tickled my tummy.

I laughed, shooing his hand away "nuh tickle Daddy! Toy star first." I got one of my light blue and white striped sock and pulled it up to my thigh.

I was having trouble with the other one till Daddy pulled it up for me. Isn't my Daddy the greatest, he's always there when I need him.

Daddy put my shoes on for me and picked me up "ready to go kitty?" He kissed my nose.

I giggled and nodded "ya Daddy, just need backpack and Pwettycorn" I smiled, pointing at my backpack on the floor.

It was small and pastel yellow. It had pretty flower and rainbow stickers on it too. I wanted to make it look pwetty. Sticking out of the bag was my favorite stuffy, prettycorn. He was a pretty black and purple unicorn that I love very very much.

Daddy picked my backpack up and put it on me. Now I was ready!

Daddy smiled at me "let's go baby." He started walking away.

Why didn't he pick me up? I don't want to walk myself. It's more fun when Daddy holds me. I whined loudly, stomping my foot on the ground. I want Daddy!

Daddy turned around, looking confused "baby boy, what's wrong? Don't you want to go to the toy store?" He was in front of me now.

I pouted, making grabby hands "Up! Daddy! Up! You forgot about me!" I jumped up and down. I want Daddy to hold me!

Daddy chuckled, finally picking me up "I'm sorry, Daddy didn't know his little kitty wanted to be carried." He kissed my check.

That's more like it. Now I'm where I should be.

"Now we can goes!" I nuzzled Daddy's cheek. Daddy feels so warm and safe.

He nodded and carried me to the car. I can't wait, I'm so excited.

•<><><><>• TIME SKIP •<><><><>•

I started out the window, watching my imaginary friend following our car and doing parkour. I always did that on car rides when i was bored.

I sucked on my paci and snuggled prettycorn close to me. When would we get there, it feels like we've been in the car forever.

Finally the car stopped. Daddy looked back at me "alright kitty, we're here. Make sure to be on your best behavior." He petted my hair.

I smiled widely "Don worry Daddy! I will be the bestest wittle ever!" I held prettycorn tight. I hope I can be a good little for Daddy.

Daddy got out of the car and opened my door. "You are already the best little ever baby, I just want you being a good little." He picked me up and tickled my tummy.

I laughed, trying to push Daddy's hand away. He knows tickles make me laugh!

I laid my head on his shoulders, nuzzling him. I loved being in Daddy's arms, they felt so safe.

Sadly Daddy put me down, but he still held my hand so it was okay.

We walked to the entrance. The Store was super colorful and fun. I couldn't wait to play with everything!

I looked up at Daddy "Can I go play now?" I made puppy dog eyes.

Daddy smiled "Go ahead, but don't go too far. If you need me just yell and Daddy will come running after you." He kissed my forehead.

I nodded, running away. I was gonna have so much fun!

I spent what felt like hours playing with all sorts of toys. Stuffies, dolls, blocks, I played with it all. It was fun playing with pwettycorn, he reminds me of Daddy. The toy store was really big, I wish we had room at home for all of them.

I walked down an aisle I found that was full of candy. This store had everything! I got one of the big bags of chocolate coins and sat on the floor, eating one. It taste so yummy.

I ate another one and, and another, and maybe just one more...

Soon all the chocolate coins were gone and I felt sick. I didn't know eating so much chocolate would make my tummy ache!

I don't like this feeling. I want Daddy, he makes all of my bad feeling go away.

I tried to yell for Daddy, but something else came out instead.

I threw up the chocolate I ate all over the floor.

Throwing up hurt my throat and my tummy still hurts and my overalls are ruined and...and...

And I can't find Daddy...

I sat on the floor, tears in my eyes and sobbing. I hugged pwettycorn really tight, but I still didn't feel better.

He wasn't like Daddy, he couldn't pick me up and hold me. He was too small for that.

I cried louder, curling up on the floor. "Daddy I want Daddy." I hid my face in pwettycorn.

"Tim? Kitty, where are you?" That was Daddy's voice! Daddy is here!

I looked up, but I couldn't see him. Where was Daddy?

I tried to call him, but all that came out was a sob. I need to call Daddy, what if he forgets about me and leaves me here forever!

The thought of being left behind made me cry harder "Daddy! Please don't leave me! I'm scared. help!" I hugged pwettycorn tighter. Where was Daddy.

I heard heavy footsteps get closer to me from behind "There you are baby! Don't worry, Daddy is here." Daddy's voice again.

I turned around and saw Daddy looking worried. He found me, he didn't leave.

"D-Daddy here! You d-didn't leave! Please Daddy!" I made grabby hands for him, I needed cuddles right now.

Daddy ran towards me, picking me up in his arms "Aww baby boy, I could never leave you." He looked at the floor. "Oh did you throw up, is my baby feeling sick?" He hugged my close.

I whimpered "I'm sowwy Daddy. I-I ate too much candy. T-tummy huwt Daddy." More tears came out.

"Awww that's okay baby, we'll get you home and give you a nice warm blanket and some soup. Does that sound good?" Daddy kissed my forehead.

I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck and laying my head on his shoulder.

Blanket and soup sounded really good right now.

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