Candy store

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I sat in the back seat of the car, happily sucking on my pacifier that uncle jack jack got me while my daddy drove the car. My daddy said he would take me to the candy store and that I could Get whatever I want for being such a good boy. I love my daddy so much, he always does nice things for me.

"At we tere yet" I say, my little pink pacifier falling out of my mouth. "We're almost there. Remember, good boys are patient" daddy says, keeping his eyes on the road. "Otay papa" I say, picking my pacifier up from the ground and sucking on it again. I looked at my blue tutu and smiled. Today I was wearing a white onesie with a blue tutu and white knee high kitty socks with blue sneakers, along with a cute blue ribbon in my hair. I love the little outfit daddy gets me, there so cute.

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When we pull up in the parking lot of the candy store I bounce up and down in my seat happily, hearing daddy chuckle as he parks the car. "TANDY! TANDY! TANDY" I say while daddy get out of the car and opens my door. I make grabby hands at him and he smiles, unbuckling my seat belt and picking me up. "How old are you cutie" daddy says, ruffling my hair. I blush and look down while holding up two fingers. I hear daddy "awww" and kiss my cheek, my face turning more red. "Can baby walk till it's time for us to leave" papa says, bouncing me in his arms. I smile and nod as he puts me down, hold my hand while we walk to the candy store.

As soon as we went in we were greeted by a guy in a giant stuffed bear suit. "Hello! Welcome to candy world, I'm candy bear" he said happily. Something about him gave off a kind of pedo feeling you get when your a kid and a random adult talks to you. Candy bear looked at me creepily and I whimpered, latching onto my daddy's arm. I felt daddy rub my back soothingly as we went into one of the aisle.

I gasped when I saw all the different candies they had. They had chocolate, lollipops, licorice, and even cookies with candy inside them. Daddy handed me a basket and ruffled my hair "get whatever you want kitten, you've earned it" he said, kissing my forehead. I squealed and jumped into daddy's arms, giving him a bunch of kisses all over his face. He chuckled and kissed my cheek, telling me how cute I was. I giggled and went into the aisle with cookies, getting as many cookies as I can.

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I was putting some rainbow licorice in my basket, when I felt a pair of furry arms wrap around my waist. Daddy's arms aren't furry, this isn't my daddy. I turned around and saw the same bear from earlier, his hands gliding up and down my waist. I took a step back, looking everywhere for my daddy,but he was nowhere to be seen. "Hey there cutie! Wanna take a picture with candy bear" he said, getting to close for comfort. I felt myself mentally shrink and take another step back, hitting one of the brightly colored pillars that were in the store.

Mr. creepy bear got closer, stroking my hair with his furry hand. I felt him put a hand under my skirt and touch my diaper, feeling my little prince parts. I whimpered, wanting my daddy to save me. My wish was granted when I saw daddy come up from behind the creepy mascot and pull him off of my, holding him by the back of his suit. "Excuse me sir, but I think you making my baby boy uncomfortable." Daddy said, obvious angry. "So unless you want your shit pushed in I suggest you get the fuck away from him" daddy said, picking the guy up and throwing him all the way to the next aisle.

Daddy looked at me and picked me up, giving my face little kisses. "Is my little prince ok? I'm so sorry that bad bear did that to you" daddy said, rubbing my back. I smiled and snuggled into his chest, I knew my daddy would save me. He chuckled and kissed my cheek "does baby still want his candy" daddy said, getting my basket. I nodded eagerly and made grabby hands at my candy. Daddy chuckled and carried me to the register to buy the candy.

The lady smiled when she saw daddy and thanked him for throwing the creepy bear in the next aisle, saying that he's been bothering the other customers and that he would be fired soon. She also said that I was cute, The lady was nice.

After we purchased the candy daddy carried me to the car, putting me in the back seat and buckling me up. "You can have your candy when we get home" daddy said, giving me a kiss. I nodded and sucked on my pacifier, falling asleep on the way home.

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