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I sit on the floor eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich auntie Jane made for me while watching some princess movie. Maybe I can ask daddy for a princess birthday party since my birthday is in a week.

I get up and run upstairs to my room. Auntie Jane is in the guest room sleeping so I have some time to myself. I go into my room and look for a new outfit to wear. I don't have a princess outfit but I find a Japanese schoolgirl uniform. I put on the uniform and tie my hair up in a small ponytail, looking in the bathroom mirror and giggling at my appearance. I look so kowai! I twirl around in my outfit till I feel someone stop me, looking up to see auntie Jane smiling down at me and ruffling my hair. "What a cute little schoolgirl you are, would the cute schoolgirl like to go to the park" she said, picking me up. I smiled and cheered happily "pwark pwark pwark!" Jane smiled and helped me get ready

€£€£€£€£€TIME SKIP€£€£€£€£

I sucked on my pacifier, playing with the rubics cube auntie Jane got me while she pushed me in a stroller around the park. I would've taken a nap if I didn't see my two favorite people on the swings. I saw laughing Jill smiling happily as she pushed laughing jack on the swings, he was wearing a black onesie that said "mommy's little monster" on it with a grey pacifier in his mouth. "Jacky! Jacky!" I screamed, pointing at the two. Auntie caught note of this and pushed me towards them, Jill waving as she got jack of the swing.

"Hey there buddy, I didn't expect to be seeing you until your birthday party. How's your day" mama Jill said, her voice sounding motherly and sweet. "I otay! Dads on trwip, but I gets to be wit aunt Jwane so it gweart" Jill smiled and looked at Jane happily. "I haven't seen you in awhile Jane, why don't we catch up while our two boys play" she said, kissing jwack's cheek. Auntie nodded and took me out of the stroller, placing me in the sand box with jack and sitting on a near by bench wit mama Jill.

"Jacky!" I gave laughing jack a big hug, hearing him giggle and hug me back "mwasky~" we hugged for awhile before letting go and decided to build a sand castle together. We were having fun till jack took my shovel without asking and I got really mad "that my showvel!" Jack just stuck his tongue out and used it anyways. I snatched it away and he snatched it back, we ended up pulling at the shovel to the point where it might of broke till we both heard something that scared us half to death. "IF YOU TWO DON'T LEARN HOW TO SHARE I'LL COME AND SPANK BOTH OF YOU UNTILL YOUR BOTTOMS ARE GLOWING RED!" Mama Jill yelled, making both of us shiver.

We both put the shovel down and just used our hands, not wanting to get a spanking. I used to like spankings when I was in little space but for some reason they hurt now so I only like them when I'm in a normal headspace. After some more playing mama Jill came and picked up jack, bouncing him in her arms and stroking his back. "It's time for this little one to get some sleep, we'll see you soon pumpkin" she said, booping my nose before leaving. I smiled when auntie Jane picked me up and put me in the stroller, pushing me back to the car.

I yawned and felt my eyes get heavy, finally closing my eyes and falling to sleep. I can't wait for tomorrow, daddy's gonna be home.



I arrived home at like 11:45 at night and when I got inside I saw Jane sitting on the couch, cradling my sweet sleeping little boy wearing a cow onesie in her arms. I smiled at the sight and plucked him out of her arms. "Was he to much trouble" I asked as I rocked him. "Nope, he was as pure as an angel. And we saw jack and Jill today." She said, stroking the sleeping little's hair.

"You can sleep in the guest room tonight, it's way to late for you to be heading home" she nodded and accepted the offer, heading upstairs with me and going into her room after saying goodnight. I carried the adorable baby into our room and laid him on the bed, climbing in with him and pulling the covers over us before falling into a deep sleep like my baby.

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