Teach Me

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"Wait, wait, wait, wait." Harry hult the conversation. "You're telling us that your mum and his dad are like.. Fucking?!" The words left his mouth and a sly grin formed on his face.

"Harry!" I shrieked in disgust, "No but, yes. I don't know. Frankly I don't care, but yeah he's moved in, with Michael".

"Buuuut your mum is mine, you didn't tell me she had a fella" Calum groaned, he had always had so weird crush on my mum, on some levels it was quite disturbing "I'm sure she still loves you Cal" Jemma pat his shoulder sympathetically trying not to laugh. "Of all the women, I'd never choose Maddie as a heart breaker" Calum started to fake cry, at least I think he was fake crying, I hope he was fake crying.

"Sooo Michael" Erin's eyebrows continued to rise and fall. "What about him?" I questioned pulling out my phone from the khaki green Parker jacket I had on to check the time, 5 minutes until hell begins. "Deets?" I could feel a round of twenty questions forming "details? There isn't any, he stays in his space and I in mine. We don't even make eye contact without an argument spilling out" I lied.

"So what was that" Luke's eye's were suspicious as he pointed towards me and Michael.


"What was what?" I acted innocently pouting my lips as I was questioned. The bell was faint as it rang in the distance and I silently thanked God, "Saved by the bell" Calum joked as we all rose.

"Meet me by my car at lunch, I need fooooood" Harry dragged out the 'o' "Only if you take me home after school" I bargained as Harry threw his arm around my shoulders.

Harry, had been my friend since Nursery, when we first started secondary school everybody thought we were a thing - we're joint at the hip. He's cheeky, drives me to the edge but I love him, he's the big brother I never had.

"Deal" His arm still wrapped around my neck as we walked towards our first class.

"Oh" I suddenly felt my face fall. "What? You look like you've seen a ghost" his knuckle wiped across my hair, knotting it. "Haaaaarry nooo" I attempted to pull myself half tripping but bringing him with me as he still had me in a headlock.

"Class now Styles and Wheeler, it's always you two" our laughs faded, I could feel the cold stares burning into the back of my head "Yes Mrs Euridge" We murmured, not brave enough to turn around as we entered the Math's block.

"You were saying before that cold bitch interrupted" His low raspy chuckle erupted, as I quickly swiped my neck round - giving myself whiplash to check if she was behind us. "Urhh, can we take Michael home too, I mean I know I'm asking a lot but my mum doesn't want him to get the train alone for the first couple of days as its new to him so I said I'd stay with him" My face was white as I pleaded with my best friend, he remained silent biting his lip.

"I'm sure he'll be fine on the train on his own Lau, he's 18" he chuckled again, "Alright it's fine, I'll just get the train home" I weakly smiled before heading to my classroom "Wait Lau" Harry called "Tell him to meet us by my car" he half smiled sheepishly "Thank yoooooooou you're the best" I shrieked throwing my arms around him.

I entered the classroom the door creaked as every head but one flew in my direction to stare, the white walls were now covered in bright coloured numbers in an attempt to make them somewhat interesting, I silently sighed wishing I'd never chosen Math as an A Level.

"Late again Lauren" Her thick American accent mocked me. "Sorry" I murmured just loud enough for her to hear, I wasn't, she hated me and even if I wasn't late she'd find something to pick me up on. "Next to Michael please, seating plan has changed according to your monthly exam which you failed again" she slammed.

Of course it had and of course I did. I cursed her under my breath making my way towards the purple haired boy.

"Hey" I slipped into the seat next to him, his eyes remaining directly on the whiteboard as Miss Dalton read went through our mock papers. "What did you get?" I picked the paper up in front of me a big red 'E' covered three quarters of the cover, I chuckled it may be an E but that still qualifies as a pass, so basically she had lied.

"A" The single letter left his lips as a small smile formed "No way" I snatched the paper from his hand the red lettering confirming what he had spoke. "Michael" I exclaimed wanting a justification "What? I studied" His eyes not once met mine but a smug smile played on his lips. "Teach me your ways" I chuckled "Why do you think she sat me next to you?".

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