Back to this.

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"'Why?" My voice shook as I spoke, his laugh was dry as if the answer was evident.

"You're so modest" he rolled his eyes, before making contact with mine as his face creased as he laughed. Confusion still evident on my face, searching for a serious answer.

"Are you being serious?" His once creased face was know blank and staring contently with concern at me. "It would help if I knew what I was being serious about Michael" I'd never been more confused in my life. Michael was now sat crossed legged scratching the stubble along his jawline.

"You're absolutely gorgeous" His words took me by surprise, I'd never been called gorgeous by anyone - excluding family but they don't count they're bias.

"Liar" I chuckled. I've never been good with compliments, when you've been put down so many times by so many people their words get drilled into your brain. You believe that you're worthless.

"Don't call me a liar" His words were harsh not soft like they were before. "Sorry, but I did" I sat up so I could face Michael and examine his face.

He looked tired, the shadows under his eyes were more apparent today then from any other occasion I'd seen him on, his stubble was obvious against his pale skin offering that he needs a shave, his once styled purple hair was now flat from were I had thrown the cloth at him and his green eyes were not so bright and full of adventure today.

How could someone so hungover still look so beautiful?

"Don't" the gruffness in his voice etched out "I'm not a liar, the one thing I cannot stand is liars"

"Alright Well I don't believe you then" I offered picking at the sheet that was placed loosely on the bed, giving it all my attention ignoring the lingering gaze from the company I had sat opposite me.


His question surprised me, but it was something that I had gotten used to by now, Michael and his way with surprises. "Because I'm not" My voice was quiet trying to not to disappoint him and I was still avoiding eye contact.

"Lauren look at me" his voice was demanding and my eyes remained firmly on the bed as if he never spoke.
"I told you to look at me" The loudness echoed through the room and my head snapped up.

"Yeah? Since when do I have to do what you tell me?" My voice was full of disgust as I pulled myself up from the bed towering over him.

"We're back to this then?" His eyes narrowed, worried of my response. "Back to what exactly Michael?" My lip was held between my teeth biting back saying anymore.

"Back to being a bitch" his chuckle was slow and hard as his words hit me like a brick. "Fuck you Michael" I spat.

"Lauren don't get pissy with me" his voice was desperate almost like he was pleading. "Too late Michael." My statement was short but truthful.

"Why, what the fuck did I do?" The look on his face was of pure confusion. Sarcastic laughs fell from my mouth without permission. "Are you really that sort of person?" His lips pressed tight together as he gave the argument new depth.

"Do tell, I'd love to know what kind of person you think I am, considering you've known me all of five minutes" I knew my words would sting, but they were true.

"The sort of person who will just argue for the fucking sake of it, I've known way too many people like that. If you're going to pick out every negative thing I say about you over every positive I'd rather not know you." It astonished me how he had the nerve to actually answer the question I prompted.

"You called me a bitch for acting out about you and your dad moving in. If my mum and I just turned up on your doorstep one day and were like heeeeeey I'm moving in, I'd think you'd have something similar to say about it"

We were now standing face to face with my back the closest to the door, our voice raised to one another. The argument was petty and pointless but we were together arguing over petty pointless things.

"I didn't say you were a bitch because of the way you acted, I would have acted the same. You just switch from being nice to bitchmode like that" He snapped his fingers making me jump slightly a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"You have bitch tendencies, great because I'm an ass sometimes and I give you full permission to tell me that I'm acting like a prîck or like a cocky idiot" his frown slowly turned into an apologetic smile. "Okay?" I bought my head up so my eyes met his, my anger slowly flooding away as his green eyes starred into mine. "Okay" I slowly nodded my head.
"Good, cuz I'm too hungover for this shit. Let's hug this shiz out"
"Did you just say shiiii.." But before my sentence to accuse Michael of talking like a gangster two arms were pulled around my waist, pulling me close to his body.

Tucking my arms around his torso I let the walls that I had built so high to block everyone out crumble down into a million pieces.

Who would have though Michael Clifford of all people would be the person to crack me, Lauren Wheeler.

My Stepbrother.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora