Caged Bird

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Eren's POV

Banging on the door, I yell out many profanities and demands to be let out. Levi would be proud of my use of such foul language. I groan in frustration at not being able to open the locked door and go sit in the corner of the room, not wanting to sit on the bed for fear of falling asleep.

I feel like I've been in this shitty place literally called hell, forever. There are no windows or anything so all I see are four walls with nothing on them. It feels like I'm a bird in a cage.

The only thing I can remotely look at without feeling like I'm losing my mind is the fireplace in the room I'm being held prisoner in.

The feeling of loneliness gets worse and worse by the hour without Levi here. I miss him so much and I'm sure he misses me. I also miss my little angel, Nadia. When she looks at me with her multicolored eyes just makes my heart melt. 

Lucifer comes to visit me every once in a while. He says that it's only been three days since I've been here yet it feels like weeks. There isn't anything to do but stare at nothing all day or sleep which I will not do.

I haven't eaten or slept in the last three days. I don't trust Lucifer to not poison me or do something to me in my sleep.

He has someone bring me food but I never eat it. I'm so hungry and tired right now but I have to protect my babies. I know I have to take care of my body to make sure my twins are healthy but I don't want to risk them by eating something harmful to me.

Lucifer has told me that the food isn't poisoned and that he won't do anything to me in my sleep but he's got to be the biggest idiot to think that I will trust him the smallest bit and believe that he has no intentions to hurt me. He's hurting me just by keeping me here away from my husband and child.

He's called the devil for a reason and devils should not be trusted.

I hear a knock on the door and a moment later, none other than Satan himself walks through carrying a tray of most likely food I'm never going to eat.

"Hello, Eren, how have you been?"

"What do you want?" I groan out tiredly from lack of energy and sleep.

"I came to bring you some food. I hear you haven't been eating and that is not good and it's especially not good for the little ones growing inside you. You do know that if you want them to live any longer you have to eat, right?"

"Yes, I know that you dumbass, I just don't trust anything you give me,"

"Come on now, Eren, I've told you a countless amount of times that I would never harm you or your children. I know you're hungry and tired so don't try and deny it. Here, I brought you a nice warm bowl of soup and bread,"

"No, thank you, I don't want it,"

He walks over to the corner that I've been sitting in for a while and sets the tray on the bed before kneeling down in front of me.

"What can I do to get you to eat? I also know that you haven't slept a wink since I brought you here, I can see the tiredness in your eyes and the way your words a slurred a little bit,"

"So what. I. Don't. Trust. You. So you can just go fuck off," I just realized that I'm turning into Levi with the way I'm speaking right now, he's rubbed off on me a lot more than I realized.

Lucifer just sighs and stands back up. He grabs the tray and places it on the small table next to the fireplace then goes back to the door but before he opens it, he pauses.

"Even if you won't eat, please get some rest, I would hate if something were to happen to you or your babies," he left without another word. 

I was shocked at how sincere he sounded like he truly cared, but it's just an act to fool me and to get me to do whatever he wanted.

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