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Levi's POV

A loud banging on the door woke me from my restless sleep. I was considering ignoring it until I heard the loud voice of none other than Hanji, yelling for me to let her in.

Groaning, I got up, not wanting all the noise to wake up Nadia. I made my way downstairs and opened the door then was suddenly engulfed in a bone-crushing hug.

"Let go of me shitty four-eyes or I'll make you," she released me a moment later with a grin on her face. She's done that so many times, I'm surprised that her face hasn't cracked yet.

"Oh, come on, grumpy, lighten up, it's only a hug,"

"I don't do hugs," Unless they're from Eren

"Daddy, what's all that noise?" I hear Nadia say behind me.

I turn around and see her shuffling her way towards me while rubbing her eyes sleepily and yawning.

"Hi, sweet girl," Hanji says and Nadia's face lightens up at the sight of one of her favorite aunts.

"Auntie Hanji!" she runs into Hanji's waiting embrace and wraps her arms around her neck.

"What are you doing here, four-eyes?" I ask her, getting annoyed with her presence.

"Oh...yeah, right, uh, I came to tell you we might have a way to find out where Eren is, but we need you at SCH to discuss it with everyone else," 

My eyes widened for a second before relaxing again as it's not the first time there was a way to find my husband and then having it end up as a dead end. This is probably going to end up the same as the last three times.

"Ok, fine, wait a minute and I'll get ready. Can you take Nadia up to her room and get her ready also, we're going to have to take her with us as it would be hard to get a babysitter last minute?"

"Yep, I can do that,"

I headed up to my bedroom to get dressed while Hanji went to Nadia's room. We were both heading downstairs within five minutes.

Grabbing my car key's, I unlocked my car right as I stepped out of the door before checking to make sure the front door was locked then taking my daughter from Hanji and putting her in her car seat, making sure she was secure and getting in the car myself then driving off with Hanji right behind me in her car.

The drive to the SCH is quick and quiet there having luckily been no traffic and all of the stoplights were green.

When we got there and parked, I quickly grabbed Nadia out of her car seat and walked inside, and scanning my I.D. card before walking over and pressing the button for the elevator. Surprisingly, it opened right away and I got on, hitting the button for the floor I need to get to.

I heard Hanji yell to hold the elevator and I just rolled my eyes but held it anyway. She ran into the elevator panting and out of breath from running.

We waited a few minutes to get to our floor as the elevator stopped a few times to let other people on and off.

Once the door opened on the right floor, we got out and walked to the conference room where Hanji and I were supposed to meet everyone else.

I opened the door to see pretty much everyone was here and I was the last to arrive. Some people had questioning looks on their faces as to why I had Nadia with me but didn't say anything.

I walked over to a chair and sat down, settling Nadia in my lap before speaking up.

"Ok, I'm here now, can someone explain to me about Eren?"

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