Shocking Surprises

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I am very excited about today as I have an appointment with Hanji to find out if our second child is doing alright and everything is ok with the pregnancy.

At least today Levi and I aren't rushing like last time because we decided to have a little fun in the shower, we got up earlier than usual to make sure that we weren't going to be late.

While Levi was making breakfast, I took a quick shower and got dressed. When I was done, I sat at one of the barstools and watched as Levi maneuvered around the kitchen making what looks like waffles. 

Every time Levi had his back to me, I would stare at his glorious ass and I would bite my lip when he would notice and smirk at me over his shoulder then continue on to what he was doing.

Levi started to tease me by moving slower and swinging his hips more. 

"Levi," I said in a scolding tone.

"What amour?"

"You're teasing me," he gasped in fake shock.

"What am I doing that is teasing you?"

"You know what," he walked over to the counter and leaned over it to whisper in my ear.

"You're the one who's teasing with the way your eye-fucking me and biting your lip like that. You're lucky I don't slam you against the nearest wall and fuck you till you can't walk or think straight anymore," I audibly gulped and was frozen on the spot. Levi leaned back a little and smirked as he saw that what he had said had the desired effect.

Levi went back to cooking as I just sat there unmoving with a slight boner in my pants leaving all that he had said to my imagination, making me slightly wish that he would go through with his words.

As if to save me from my trance, Nadia walked into the kitchen and climbed up onto the barstool next to me, eyes half-lidded showing that she had just woken up.

I shifted in my seat a little to hide my small erection as that's not something a three-year-old should ever have to see.

"Hey angel, good morning," I say to her then move her hair out of her face.

"Mommy, I'm hungry,"

"Ok, well daddy is making breakfast right now so you'll have to wait a few minutes, ok?"

"Ok," she yawned and rubbed her eyes to get sleepiness out of them.

A few minutes later, Levi sets two plates in front of us. Mine having two big waffles topped with syrup, whipped cream, and strawberries on the side. 

Nadia's plate had one large waffle cut up into small, bite-sized pieces and drenched in syrup just how she likes it also with strawberries.

Levi sat next to Nadia a few moments later with his own plate of food. 

Once all of us were done eating, I took Nadia up to her room to her dressed and ready to go as Levi cleaned up in the kitchen.

Surprisingly, we were all ready to go with twenty minutes to spare before the appointment.

I grabbed Nadia's hand and Levi and I walked out of the door and to the car.

While I strapped Nadia in her car seat, Levi started up the car and turned on the radio to the station that we both like.

On the way to Hanji's office, Levi and I sing along to a song on the radio while Nadia is giggling in the back seat. I smile as Levi reaches one of his hands to settle on my already protruding baby bump.

It doesn't take long for us to get to Hanji's office and when we get there, she was already waiting just inside the door with her signature smile on her face.

Scouts Faith (Scouts Honor Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ