A Dim Light Amid Despair: Part 1

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Eren's POV

One more shot. One more chance to get this right or I'm never going to leave this place.

Never going to see Levi again.

I've decided to try to escape again. For the past few days, I've been trying to come up with a foolproof plan to leave this nightmarish place.

I can't let my children be born here. Not on my life.

Not only have I been planning, strategizing, and making sure that I have a backup plan for my backup plan; I have been training my mind and body so when the time comes for me to make my escape, I will be ready for anything.

If something goes wrong, if I'm captured again, I know that Lucifer will make sure that I'll never see the light of day again.

He says that he's going to release me after the ritual, but I don't believe or trust a damn word he says.

Everyone has a breaking point and I don't want to find out his or be on the receiving end of his wrath that I know is itching to be released every time I get on his nerves.

The good thing is that he had been visiting me less and less which has given me more time to plan and train and plan some more.

I've gone over strategies in my head over and over and over so much that it's all I think about now, driving me to near insanity as I try to account for every little thing that could happen.

Any small, insignificant little glitch that I could think of has a solution to it.

The only thing left to plan is when to act out my little scheme.

I've gotten a lot stronger since the last time I tried to escape. If I try the same thing I did last time, Lucifer will expect it and have a proper countermeasure to my attack.

Though I am almost 8 months pregnant, I'm certain that I can pull this off in my condition without any harm to me and my children.

The ace I have up my sleeve is that Lucifer or his goons won't try to seriously hurt me as he's said that he would never harm me while in this condition.

Probably has it in his head that while I'm like this, I'm fragile and weak. He couldn't be more wrong. If anything, I'm more motivated to fight back as my life isn't the one I'm trying to protect.

The one defense that I've been trying to strengthen is my shielding ability.

I can create a magical shield around my body. It doesn't last forever, but I can make it last up to ten minutes while using my other abilities to defend myself if needed.

The downside is that I don't know how strong the durability of my shield is.

My only defenses are manifesting a ball of pure magic, slightly enhanced speed and strength (which I don't know how that is going to work as I look like I'm full term with one baby), and my shield.

For now, I'm waiting, biding my time until the right opportunity comes along and I can get out of here. I don't care where I end up, just that I'm away from Lucifer. After that, I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'll have to figure it out once I'm gone from this godforsaken place.

Maybe some of my dad's relatives are still here and I could stay with them until I can find a way back to Earth. Though my father had said that his parents are dead, he never said anything about the rest of his family and I never asked, not wanting to reopen old wounds. I know it had to have been hard for him to leave his family, but my dad always said that he just had to leave and never look back.

Right now, I'm lying in my bed after training for a few hours. I practiced my shielding, but I still can't make it last longer than ten minutes at most. Tomorrow, I plan to just rest and recharge my energy as I've been training nonstop for the past few days.

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