Final Chapter: No Regrets

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Part 1

Levi's POV

Watching Eren sleep is something I'll never get tired of. He looks so peaceful and adorable with the way his lips are slightly parted and how his eyebrows scrunch up every once in a while and also how he sometimes makes these little noises or mutters my name.

Ever so slightly, I rest my hand over the spot on Eren's chest where his heart is. I focus my energy to move into his body and I listen to his heartbeat.

I love doing this every so often as it's just a reminder that the love of my life is still breathing, that his heart is still beating.

But, sometimes I like to go a little further down to where his womb is just to check and see if he's carrying another product of our love.

As I move my energy through his body downwards, I'm also paying attention to any aches or pains that I could easily soothe.

I can feel his strong energy interact with mine, but since his energy has been in contact with mine so often, it doesn't hurt Eren one bit that I'm doing this, not like the first time when he was in complete agony.

Once I get to my love's womb, I close my eyes and listen for a smaller, faster heartbeat.

To my complete and utter bewilderment, I hear it. There's a small little heartbeat coming from Eren's stomach.

I gasp in surprise as I was not expecting that at all, but when the shock settles in, happiness overtakes me as the knowledge that Eren is pregnant again sinks in.

A smile forms on my lips as I'm pretty sure that Eren doesn't even know yet. He has been acting relatively normal so he most likely has no idea or is a great actor. Eren isn't the best actor when it comes to surprises so if he was trying to hide this from me, I would've seen right through him.

I can't believe it. Nadia, River, and Rowan are going to be big sisters. Though I'm sure the twins probably have no idea what that means as they're only a little over a year old, Nadia will be happy to know that she's going to get another sibling.

Knowing that this is our fourth child, I'm also kind of sad that this will likely be Eren's last pregnancy as I don't think he'd want any more children after this one. I'd be happy to have more but Eren is the one who has to carry the child so it's up to him. I know that there are other ways to have children but it has to be a choice we both want.

I love seeing Eren pregnant, the glow that he gets, and his baby bump that makes him look so beautiful. The feeling of your child kicking for the first time is indescribable. That first cry you hear after they're born just makes me want to cry at how wonderful that sound is.

Right now, I want to focus on the child that is growing within my love's belly currently. I hope this time that it's a boy, though, I love my three girls, I feel like every father wants a son.

It's still the middle of the night so Eren won't be awake until morning. I better get to sleep myself so I can surprise my love later with the news.

Although Eren knows that I like to listen to his heartbeat while he sleeps, he doesn't know how I do it, he probably assumes that I put my ear to his chest but that isn't the case.

I want to tell him in a way that he won't be expecting it at all, I want him to be so completely off-guard that he stutters while having a cute blush on his face and happy tears rolling down his delicate cheeks.

As I'm thinking about all the ways that I could surprise Eren, my mind slowly drifts off to a peaceful sleep.

The Next Morning...

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