The Turning Point

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Levi's POV

To say my day had turned out horribly was an understatement. First off, Nadia had a mini tantrum because she couldn't find her favorite stuffed bunny then refused to eat breakfast until she found it. 

Second, I somehow didn't charge my phone last night so it was dead this morning so I had to put it on the charger and wait half an hour for it to get a decent charge that would last me until I got back home from work. 

Third, when I had started my phone back up, I had received a few missed calls and a text message from Erwin saying that there was going to be a small meeting and it was mandatory that I be there or I will be in deep shit.

So now I am running late for said meeting and it just so happens to be pouring rain outside, forcing me to drive slower so I don't crash the car with my daughter in it. 

When I see the Survey Corps building ahead, relief floods through my veins, and I try to hurry and park, drop Nadia off at the daycare provided for agents, then sprint to the meeting that I'm almost an hour late for. I already know Eyebrows is going to lecture me about being late already then give me some speech about how being on time and other bullshit that I've most probably heard before.

Once I open the door to the meeting room and enter, I already see everyone's eyes on me. I couldn't give two fucks what they thought though, they don't have a kid to take care of alone while their partner is missing.

I see Erwin about to open his mouth but I put my hand up to silence him, already knowing what he was going to say.

"I know Eyebrows, I'll explain later," He gives me a nod and begins with the meeting.

After the meeting is over, I'm about to head to the training room but I'm stopped by Erwin in the hall.

"Why were you so late, Levi? That's not like you," I roll my eyes as I expected him to say that.

"I have a kid. That should be explanation enough and it was pissing rain when I was heading here so I had to drive slower so I didn't get into a fucking accident with my damn child in the car,"

"Fair enough, but why didn't you answer my calls?"

"My phone died," I state plainly.

Erwin looks at me skeptically but nods his head in affirmation then turns to walk away. He stops for a moment and shifts his head towards me.

"Levi, if you need someone to talk to, Hanji and I are here for you. We understand what you are going through right now so if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask even though I know you loathe asking for help," Erwin says calmly then walks off.

I stand in the hallway for a few moments thinking about what Erwin had said. I know I have people around me that want to help me, but I just can't get myself to ask.

As I head down to the training room to look for my team, Hanji stops me in the hallway being more hyper than usual. Damn, I don't know how Moblit deals with that on a daily basis, and plus he's dating her.

"Levi, Levi, Levi, I have some exciting news you will really want to hear!" she squeals out.

"What is it, Four-eyes? I have somewhere to be," I say to her, crossing my arms.

"Ok, ok, just listen. I managed to get you another visit to see Bertholdt,"

I try to not let my interest show so I just shrug and look like that information doesn't affect me that much. I've been wanting to see that smug bastard and show him what happens to people who hurt the ones I love.

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