The Twelve Realms

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Levi's POV

I've been waiting and waiting for what feels like forever. That shitty four-eyes better hurry up or else she's going to feel my wrath for weeks to come.

Right now, I'm waiting at the portal terminal and Hanji is taking her sweet little time getting here.

What makes it even worse is that she has the tickets to even get through the portal so I can't just leave without her. 

Just being in this place is grossing me out. Who knows how many germs are on each disgusting surface. I hate these buildings too, the people here don't know how to properly clean as I can see garbage in corners and dust on the walls. Good thing there aren't any screaming and crying children or else I would've left sooner.

I look at the time on my phone for probably the tenth time in the last few minutes and it shows that I've been waiting at least half an hour by now. I told that crazy woman to not be late about a hundred times and she still didn't listen.

I swear if I call her and she's not up, she'll have to face more than just my anger. Hanji can be smart at times but when it comes to being punctual then she fails at that. It's a wonder how she hasn't been fired from how many times she's been late to work.

The line for the portal is getting shorter and shorter and when everyone has gone through, it'll close and won't open until tomorrow and our tickets will have expired.

Just as I was about to call the little shit, I hear her unmistakable voice screech my name in the middle of the crowd.

"LEVI! Levi, I'm here," she comes running up to me with about three bags on her shoulders.

"What the fuck, four-eyes? Why are you so late? I told you about a hundred times not to be and look where we are now,"

"I know and I'm sorry, I have a very good explanation for that, but I'll tell you later as we need to get in line right now,"

"Fine, but you better have a good excuse, or else next time I realm travel I'm taking eyebrows with me instead, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it, Mr. Grumpy pants," I glared at her for her use of one of the many nicknames she's called me over the years.

I pick up the small bag that I brought with me and pull Hanji into the line for the security check which only had a few people left in it. The security guards, which I assumed were ogres judging by their looks and large stature, asked for my I.D. and ticket which I gave them to scan.

Once I passed through the security check, I waited for Hanji to get through and I groaned as they wanted to look through her bags.

The bag check took us an extra five minutes and then we were finally able to go through the portal.

Going through a portal is a lot like going on an airplane, but instead of walking onto a plane, you walk through an interdimensional gate that takes you to wherever you need to go.

Portal terminals were made to make portal travel safer and it was a law put in place by the order so criminals couldn't just travel between realms at will and escape captivity.

It takes a long time to get a ticket for a portal because a background check needs to be initiated on you to make sure you're not someone running from the law.

I sighed in relief once we reached the line for the actual portal. There were only three people in front of us so it shouldn't be too long now before we can go through. 

Since only one person is allowed to go through the portal at a time and then a thirty-second wait to make sure the portal is still stable once that person has gone through, it took about five more minutes before it was our turn. 

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