A Dim Light Amid Despair: Part 2

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Levi's POV

It's been a little over a month and we were finally able to gather enough angel and demon energy to open a portal to Hell. To get my Eren back in my arms.

The process was long and tedious with a few setbacks that almost made me give up hope and a few scrapes and bruises along the way.

When we first started gathering energy, it took a week just to get the machines to Trost. They were originally in a Survey Corps storage house located in Karanes and we needed authorization from three directors of the Survey Corps to get access.

It took another day just to transport the machines to Trost. Hanji and I had to use cargo trucks because of how large and fragile the machines are.

Since there was only one truck available to use and it could only fit one machine at a time, we had to drive to Karanes and then back to Trost three times.

The reason it took a whole day is that the drive back and forth takes almost four hours. If we requested the machines to be delivered, we would've had to wait almost three weeks for that request to be put through.

Once we got the machines to Trost, it took nearly an hour just to unload them off the truck, into the building, down the cargo elevator, and into Hanji's second, larger, lab space where we would have the space to fit all the machines.

After we had gotten all the machines, the real work began. First, we had to ask a judge if we could have the angels and demons we needed from the prison to be transferred to the SC headquarters for a few days.

As we waited for approval from the judge, Hanji, Erwin, Mikasa, Isabel, Farlan, my team, and I worked day and night to find high-ranking angels and demons on the SC's wanted list.

Once the judge approved the transfer, we got them to Hanji's lab as fast as possible, sedated them for safety measures, then hooked them up to the machine and waited.

Yes, it is safe to siphon the energy from them as their bodies will regenerate it after a certain amount of time.

While Hanji, Moblit, and Erwin worked on getting the energy from the prisoners, my team and I worked tirelessly to find the rest of the angels and demons we needed.

We searched and traveled and fought and captured day and night for two weeks.

Once we were down to the last demon that we needed, that was when things went south for a bit.

The last demon that we needed was a criminal named Boris Feulner. He was wanted for murder, robbery, kidnapping, and a slew of other horrible things.

We were having trouble trying to locate him. It was like he just vanished off the face of the earth.

The last time he was seen on camera was seven months ago in Stohess at a gas station and after that, he took off in his car and was never seen again.

We traced the license plate of his car to find it reported stolen and that it belonged to an elderly man in Stohess.

The car was so old that it didn't even have a tracker on it so it was impossible to trace, but I put out a mark on the car so any SC Scouts that see it know to investigate it.

Then, to our luck, he popped up on our radar five days ago. A traffic camera caught him walking on the sidewalk in Orvud.

Once we confirmed his precise location, my team and I headed there as fast as we could and caught him, but it wasn't easy.

Even with our ODM gear, it was still a struggle as Boris had some friends with him.

Luckily, no one was seriously injured and we all walked away with a few sprains and bruises that would heal within a few days.

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