The Whole Truth

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Eren's POV

The wait is driving me insane. Lucifer told me that he would tell me the truth as to why he needs me. I know he's told me before but in less detail.

That was what feels like hours ago and he's taking forever. It's not like knowing everything will change anything but it would be nice to know the whole reason why I'm being held captive like this.

Like what is he doing? Taking a long-ass shit or something.

I'm usually a patient guy but when it comes to Lucifer, I lose that patience. I really am turning into Levi, I'm starting to act just like him. Now I know what it's like to be in his shoes, being annoyed at everyone all the time.

It especially doesn't help that the further along I get into my pregnancy the more uncomfortable I am which is making me even grumpier. The back and hip aches have started to kick in and my bump has grown a considerable amount and putting more weight on my back.

I think I'm around twenty weeks by now and that makes me sad knowing that I can't celebrate this milestone with Levi. I'm sure he would be very excited that we're halfway to meeting our twins.

Also knowing that my pregnancy is getting closer and closer to its end means that it's getting closer to when Lucifer is going to perform whatever ritual on me which I can't let happen.

I will do whatever it takes to keep him from opening a permanent portal between hell and earth to do god knows what. If that means that I have to die then I will if it means that the people I love will be safe.

The door opens and in walks the person I hate most in all the twelve realms. He quietly walks over to the chair, pulls it towards the bed, and sits down, crossing his legs and folding his arms in the process. 

He looks like a parent about to tell their child that they're in trouble and that they're grounded.

"Speak so we can get this over with and you can get out of my face," I sneer.

"Ok, then. There's been some...conflict between heaven and hell for some time now. It started about a hundred years ago and I'm afraid that it will result in another war like the one half a century ago which wasn't pleasant,"

"Let me guess, the angels are blaming the demons for something that they didn't do or are blowing something that they did do way out of proportions? Tch, angels from heaven are such racist bastards,"

"Something like that, yeah. The demon they are blaming is me, though, I'm not technically a demon, I'm a fallen angel sent to hell which turned me into a hybrid of sorts. The angels think that I should be sent to limbo, a place where I will be trapped for eternity because they believe that I am getting too powerful and will stage an attack on heaven,"

"Huh, well I agree with them, but I think they should just kill you instead of keeping an asshole like you alive,"

"I don't blame you for feeling that way. I need to open a permanent portal to earth not just to rule both worlds, but because once I have taken over the earth, I will be powerful enough to stop heaven with its plans against me,"

"Oh my god, do you realize how childish you guys are being? It's like you're two siblings fighting each other. It's not that hard to get along, just leave each other alone and maybe all those wars that keep happening will stop. You keep wanting power over the other but all that does is cause conflict and pain. Heaven and Hell just need to come to a solution but you're just being little kids about it. As my mom would say, act your age which is probably millions of years,"

"You don't understand, Eren. It's not that simple, we can't just stop,"

"Why not? All you have to do is tell the angels that you're done fighting and call a truce to come up with an agreement that works for both of you, god, you're such teenagers, so immature,"

"Don't you think I've tried that? The angels won't listen, they don't believe that hell will uphold the deal,"

"Then that sounds like a you problem. It's your fault that they don't believe you for all the evil shit you've done over the thousands of years,"

"It's not like I chose to be evil!" I slightly flinched at his voice raising, not knowing what he would do if he got angry enough. He noticed this and sighed. "Look, I was cast out of heaven because I didn't agree with some things. Being in hell changed me into the person I am now,"

"Then how about trying to change and be a good person for once. Sacrifice yourself to the angels and let them do whatever they want with you, maybe then they'll stop all the fighting,"

"I can't do that, Eren, it will be seen as giving up or cowardice by everyone and I can't have that,"

"Why do you care what people think? You're the fucking devil, since when do the opinions of others matter to you?"

"Then what do you think I should do? Try and come up with a deal with the angels or give myself up? What do you think is the right choice?

"I don't know which option you should choose. I could never advise you on that. No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong until you arrive at some sort of outcome from your choice,"

"Hm, you're right, Eren. How wise of you to say that,"

"If I were you, I'd make the choice that doesn't hurt people in the end,"

"Well, you've given me a lot to think about, Eren," he stood up and headed towards the door. "I think that's enough for today, you should get some rest," He stood up out of the chair and left me alone in the room with only my thoughts to keep me company.

To pass the time, I got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to take a long, hot shower. When I stepped under the warm spray of water, all the tenseness from the past hour slowly melted away. 

I ran my hand over my body, putting pressure on places that needed a little help to loosen up, eventually settling on my bump.

One of the only things keeping going while in this godforsaken place is the thought of seeing Levi and Nadia again and my twins that are growing inside me.

When the water began to cool off, I turned it off and stepped out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist.

I look in front of the mirror and notice how large my bump is now. Turning to the side to get a better angle, I caress my bump gently.

Now I'm realizing more and more that I'm really having twins. Before Nadia, I would've never thought it was possible for a man to carry children, aside from magical beings where they can. 

So when I found out I was going to be having two, it made anything that I thought I knew before go out the window. It made me realize that anything is possible in this world.

As I'm admiring my bump, I suddenly feel a little fluttering feeling in my stomach. For a second, I didn't know what it was until I remember that I felt the same thing with Nadia.

A smile came across my face when I felt it again. I was feeling my babies kick for the first time. Though, I'm a bit sad that Levi isn't here to experience this with me.

This just gives me further assurance that they're ok. That everything that has been happening hasn't affected them at all.

I can't help but feel a sense of pride and love at being able to feel something as magical as this. I feel lucky to have the ability to create life as I know many people can't when that's all they want.

This huge milestone in my pregnancy gives me a new feeling of hope that I'll be able to get out of here soon so that when these babies finally enter the world, it'll be with Levi and Nadia at my side then we'll finally be a family.

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