A New Hope

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Levi's POV

I don't even think I've ever felt this helpless and alone in my whole life. 

It's been a month and a half since Eren was taken and we still haven't found anything. The satellite thing Hanji tried only found four more archangels with none of them being the one person we're looking for.

With how smart that woman is, I'm surprised she hasn't come up with anything else besides tinkering with the satellite trying to get it to somehow pick up something from Eren. She tried once to see if she could pick up any residual energy left behind from him, but no such luck as angels and demons don't leave behind any kind of residue from our energy.

The only thing I can do now is hope that someday we will find something, anything to find my husband. 

Though I've told Nadia not to worry about where Eren is, she keeps asking for him. She's a smart three-year-old and she knows that something is up. She obviously notices the sad look that comes across my face every time his name is brought up. I just keep reassuring her that Eren will be back soon.

Today is a very significant day and I would be celebrating it with Eren if he were here. This particular day marks twenty weeks into his pregnancy, he's officially half-way through, only four more months left until we can meet our little twin bundles of joy. But now I'm not even sure if we'll find him by the time he gives birth though I'm still holding out the tiniest bit of hope which is dwindling with each passing day.

I wonder if Eren knows what day it is wherever he's being kept. Whoever is keeping him captive, I hope that they're treating him decently and not hurting him in any way that would, in turn, hurt the babies. 

Also, I wonder if Eren's been thinking of names. I wouldn't mind if he names the twins, he named Nadia and I think her name is just perfect, so I trust Eren with the names of our twins and I know that he will choose wisely and something meaningful.

Currently, I'm at the SCH in the training room with my team. Eld and Petra are sparing while Oluo and Gunther are in the scout room, practicing with their ODM gear. They're all pretty good with their gear, but Oluo is the one who needs the most practice with it as he's always copying what I do.

Using your ODM gear to its true potential requires you to have your own way of mastering it and not mimicking someone else's style.

As I'm watching Petra and Eld fighting, I give them pointers when one of them was hit or knocked down, telling them what they should've done in order to not get punched or kicked.

With everything pretty much calm in the society of magical beings, there haven't really been any cases that needed in-person intervention so it's been very boring around here. The last time we actually went out into the field was around seven months ago. 

Although I'm not complaining as that means that I have more time to spend at home with my daughter and love of my life, it still leaves me nothing to do which is not great timing now as I need something to keep me busy so I'm not thinking about my missing husband constantly.

The only thing really left to do here is train or help in other departments of the Survey Corps which I'd prefer not to do.

The mellow atmosphere has fortunately been affecting Hanji as well because lately, she's been less hyper than usual, but still hyper nonetheless. I'm also happy that a few weeks ago, she started dating Moblit who takes up a lot of her time.

Erwin's also very bored, he comes around the training room more often to work out and he never works out, at least, I didn't think so until now, I've always thought that he was naturally muscular and buff.

Just as Petra flips Eld onto his ass, I hear the door open and the unmistakable screech of none other than Hanji's cheery voice.

"LEVI!" I turn around to see her jogging her way over to me with a big grin on her face which doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Once she got within a few feet of me, I  glanced at her neck as I saw something and it was a very dark and purple hickey. It was very hard to keep a straight face as Hanji is the last person I'd expect to have a hickey.

I looked back up at her to not give myself away.

"What do you want, four-eyes? Doesn't your boyfriend need you or something?"

"No, actually, I have sort of good news regarding Eren depending on how you want to see it," my eyes widened as this is the first good news in a while.

"Well, spit it out, I don't have all day,"

"Ok, so you know how the satellite couldn't pick up on Eren but on other archangels?"


"And how when he disappeared it was like he dropped off the face of the earth?"

"Where are you going with this?"

"Well, I had a thought. Maybe he did drop off the face of the earth, figuratively speaking. The scanner should have detected any archangels on earth but it didn't pick up on Eren,"

"Four-eyes, you're killing me here, just tell me what you figured out before I punch you in the face,"

"Ok, ok. I came to the conclusion that Eren isn't on Earth or what you would call our earth, I think he's been taken to a different realm and that's why we can't find him,"

I thought about it for a minute. It would make sense as there is literally no trace of him on earth so the only logical explanation would be he's not.

"But how is that good news?"

"It's good because now we know where he's not and can stop looking here where we're not going to find anything and waste our time,"

"Ok, but that also makes the search area wider which will make it more difficult to find him. There are twelve realms, it'll take years to search all of them and we don't have that kind of time,"

"That's why I came up with the idea of using a smaller version of the satellite and taking it from realm to realm,"

"Are you sure that will work? I don't want to realm travel for nothing. Do you know how hard it is to travel between realms? It'll take months to even get to just three of them as the paperwork takes a long time to process,"

"Yeah, I know, shorty, that's why I called in a few favors some people owed me and they can get you to four of them within the next few weeks,"

"You have this all planned out, haven't you? You're starting to turn into eyebrows with all the planning without telling anyone,"

"Well, he did help me with a few details before I came here as he's a much better strategist than I am,"

"Ok then, when do we leave?"

"As soon as I get confirmation from my friends and get our portal tickets from them, then we can go whenever we're ready,"

"Fine, you better be ready when I am or I'm leaving without you,"

"Wouldn't dream of it, shorty. Ok, that's all I have for now so I'll see you later and I'll update you on anything, bye," she turned with a wave and skipped off to do God knows what.

Once the door closed, I let out a sigh of relief. Finally, we have a chance at finding Eren. It's been so long but at last, we found a solid lead, if you want to call it that.

Of all the letdowns and dead ends, I can finally say that I have some hope back that we're going to find Eren, and once we do, I'll make sure that whoever laid a single finger on him suffers a fate worse than death.

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