Fools Game

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Eren's POV

I am about to strangle that devil. 

Lucifer has been driving me crazy and he's so annoying. He keeps doing annoying shit like asking me how my day has been or asking me about my personal life.

Like bitch, no. I'm not going to pretend to be friends with you, you're the one keeping me from my husband and child. You're the reason why I'm trapped in fucking hell with the fucking devil, which is you. Hell is the last place I want to be right now.

Since there are no windows, clock, or anything to tell time, I have no idea how long I've been here. Judging from the size of my bump, I haven't been here more than a few weeks at most.

I've asked if I could see Zeke again but my request was denied, him saying that he doesn't want me to plan an escape with him, but how could I do anything in my condition?

One thing I'm relatively happy about is that there's a bathroom in this 'prison cell' called a room so I don't have to piss or shit in a bucket and also so I can take a shower.

Sometimes when I think of plans to get out, I think of hiding somewhere in the bathroom to make Lucifer think that I've escaped so when he leaves the room to go find me, he'll leave the door open, and most likely is not going to bother to lock it because he thinks I'm not in here. 

That plan could work but the bathroom isn't that big and Lucifer isn't going to be tricked easily, he'll see right through it.

At times, I wonder where I'd be right now if I was just born a normal demon. I know that I wouldn't have my little Nadia and my twins but I'd still have Levi...or would I?

I have no idea if Levi would have stayed with me if I never had Nadia. I know we said we loved each other before I found out I was pregnant, but that was like the day before Levi surprised me with the news. 

What about months or years later? Would I still be with him? I would hope so but anything could've happened. 

Thinking like this isn't good but it's something that I have to get off of my mind. I don't and will never regret ever meeting Levi and having Nadia. They are the light of my life and I can't imagine a world without them in it and soon our world will consist of two new little ones for us to love on and cherish for the rest of our lives. Hopefully, in the future, there will be a couple more kids for us to love if that's what Levi wants.

I have been thinking about names for the twins, but don't want to make any final decisions without Levi with me. Last time, I pretty much chose Nadia's name, even though Levi's the one who suggested it in the first place, I was the one who made it official.

The names I have in my head that I would consider giving my children are Lara, Alessia, Sofia, Gabi, Amelia, and Evelyn for girls; and Noah, Elijah, Mikaela, Arrow, and Ezra for boys. Of course, I want to hear what Levi likes first then make a decision. 

I want the names to match like Evelyn and Elijah or Alessia and Arrow but, unfortunately, that's what makes it hard to pick a name for them. Though, I don't really mind the genders just as long as they are healthy. I have my girl so I'm rooting for at least one boy this time but I'll be happy either way and I'm sure Levi will be too.

The thought of Levi makes me miss him even more now. He's not missing much now, but in a few weeks, I'll be far along enough the be able to feel the babies move and kick and I don't want Levi to miss that.

Another thing is that no one has been checking on my pregnancy so I have no idea how they're doing, however, I'm sure the twins are just fine as I can feel them inside me even though I can't physically feel them yet, it's a more spiritual feeling.

I wish I could snuggle up with Levi right now, him rubbing my growing bump or talking to it or placing feather-light kisses all over while muttering loving words to them saying that he can't wait to meet them and see their beautiful faces.

The door opening breaks me out of my reverie and I take one small momentary glance at the door before looking down at my hands, twiddling with them, already knowing who it is without having to look up. 

I'm not in the mood to talk to Satan himself so I'm opting to ignore him, silently hoping that he will get the message and fuck off. Lately, I've been switching between annoying the shit out of him or ignoring him, it just depends on my mood.

I was just about to tell him to go away then stopping as I hear the voice I've longed to hear over the torturous amount of time I've been in this place.

"Hey, brat, you miss me?" I froze for a second before looking up and seeing the face of the love of my life.

My eyes widened and my heart rate sped up. This can't be real it just can't be, there would be no way Lucifer would bring him here. 

Levi was standing mere feet away from me with his usual stoic expression on his pale face, his stormy grey eyes with a hint of blue almost void of any emotion, and eyebrows in their usual furrow that he always sported when he was awake.

One long look at him made me almost jump out of the bed and wrap my arms wound him and never let go, but something in my head told me that this isn't real, that something was off about him. 

I thought about it for a moment before concluding that this was, in fact, not Levi, the love of my life, owner of my heart, and father to my children. 

The way he stood, the expressionless eyes, and the way he spoke were nearly the exact same as the man I fell in love with, but in my heart, I knew it wasn't him. If this was the real Levi, he would've engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug and kissed me till the air left my lungs and I couldn't breathe.

I stood from the bed and eyed this strange man that looked reminiscent of my husband skeptically. I didn't know who this was, but I was going to find out.

"Who are you? I know you're not Levi, so reveal yourself," I demanded.

"Oh, come on, Eren, it's me, Levi," that also confirmed my thoughts. Levi only ever called me by my first name when he was being serious about something.

"No, you're not, I know my Levi and you're not him so...Who. The fuck. Are you?"

"Haaa, damn it, I hoped that would work for even a little bit," the man sighed then black smoke began rising from his feet, engulfing him until all that was there was a cloud of opaque fog.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed, unsurprisingly, Lucifer.

"Huh, I'm not surprised. You thought that I would fall for that lame-ass trick you dickhead? I know my husband inside and out so if you think that I'm going to play this fool's game or whatever it is in your sick head then you've got to rethink your life choices, asshole," 

"Believe me or not, Eren, I wasn't trying to trick you or whatever you think that was. I was trying to help you. I thought that if you could see Levi, hear his voice, then you wouldn't miss him as much," he took a step towards me but I held out my hand making him stop.

"Bullshit, Satan. That just made me miss him even more," I said with a shaky voice. I willed myself not to cry but with the roller coaster of emotions that come with pregnancy, it was a losing battle.

For however many thousands of years he's been alive, that's the best thing he could come up with? He must be even more ignorant than I thought, thinking that the best way to stop missing someone is by showing their face for a short amount of time than taking them away.

"Eren, I-"

"Save your excuses for someone who cares. How dare you make your self look like the person who has cared about me the most in the past twelve years. That was low even for you, though you had me there for a split second, you still couldn't fool me. Just...get out please, I don't want to see your face any more than I have to so just go," I turned my head away from him and looked at the fireplace.

A moment later, I hear the click of the door shut, leaving me alone, beginning to sob and wanting the gentle and caring touch of the person who has brought the most light to my life than anyone else on earth.

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