"You're My What!?"

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*Warning- Mention of suicide: If it's triggering, please don't read*

Eren's POV

The feel of someone petting my hair wakes me up. For a second, I think it's Levi but then I remember where I am and I open my eyes to see Lucifer looking at me with a smile on his face like he's looking at a child.

I groan and turn away from him, my eyes closing as my brain is still in sleep mode. I hear him sigh and walk around to the other side of the bed where I'm facing.

By now, I've been around Lucifer so much to the point where I'm not as scared of him as I was but more to the point of being annoyed with his presence.

"Come on, wake up, sleepyhead. It's ironic how at first you didn't want to sleep and now you don't want to get up," Lucifer says.

"Go to hell," I grumble out.

"We're already there, little one," I roll my eyes.

"You know what I mean," I roll onto my back, completely ignoring his little pet name for me, and sit up slowly as to not make myself dizzy so I don't get sick.

Yawning as I'm stretching out my stiff muscles, I just sit there to wake up a little more, my brain still being half asleep.

Feeling like I'm missing something to fully feel stretched out, I start cracking my knuckles and joints around my body. Glancing at Lucifer, I see him cringe with every pop and crack and it makes me smirk knowing that he doesn't like that sound.

Since that devil won't leave me alone, I've resorted to annoying the shit out of him until he either lets me go or does something that involves me not being in hell anymore.

"So what do you want, Satan? I've got things to do and places to be," he just chuckles at my sarcasm.

"I've brought someone here that wants to meet you, though you've met him before, he wants to make a proper introduction,"


"You'll see in a moment," he walks over to the door and opens it, a man walking through who I recognize but can't place where I've seen him before. Lucifer then walks out of the room, leaving me alone with this strange man.

The man has blonde hair like Armins, a full beard, and round glasses. He reminds me of someone but I don't know who.

He walks over to the bed and sits down across from me.

"Hello again, Eren,"

"Who are you?"

"My name is Zeke, you probably don't recognize me, then again, I don't expect you to given that we were quite a distance apart when we first met,"

"What do you mean? I've met you before?"

"Yes, three years ago at your trial, I represented you," 

It all clicked in my brain. So that's where I recognized him from. Why the fuck is he here? What's so important that he had to come to one of the most impossible places to get to and talk with me?

"Oh, yeah, I remember you, to be honest, I tried to just forget about everything that happened that day, it was probably one of the most stressful times of my life, not knowing if I was going to see the love of my life ever again,"

"Well, in consolation, I personally thought you were innocent. Those charges against you were anonymously reported to us, we just carried out the case and trial,"

"Wow, that makes me feel a whole lot better," I said sarcastically. "Now, what do you want where you had to come all the way to hell to talk to me for?"

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