Old Memories: Part 2

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Levi's POV

4 years and 2 months ago...

This morning I woke up to the slightest ray of sunlight just perfectly angled to directly hit my eyes. It's like the universe doesn't want me to sleep and is trying its hardest to make sure that I don't sleep for long periods of time.

With a loud groan, I sit up and grab my phone from my nightstand, unplugging it from the cord before looking at the time. It's only 10:14, showing that I had only gotten around three and a half hours of sleep.

I flop back down on my bed and try to get some more sleep, not wanting to do anything else on my day off. Just as sleep was about to take over me, I heard a loud banging on my door.

At first, I tried to ignore it but it just kept getting louder and I had my suspicions on who it could possibly be as there is only one person insane enough to loudly bang on a door at 10 a.m. where they could potentially wake the whole building.

I slowly get up out of bed and slip on a pair of sweatpants as I always sleep in either boxers or naked and I don't want people seeing any more of me than they need to.

Making my way to the door, the banging stops and once I twist the knob, it bursts open, nearly hitting me in the face and revealing Hanji with a sadistic grin on her lips and a twinkle in her eye that could only mean that she's up to something and I'm not going to like it.

"What do you want now, four-eyes?"

"Ok, hear me out on this, we're going to an arcade today and before you say anything-," I cut her off.

"There's no way in hell I'm going to an arcade with you, four-eyes. There are loud and smelly kids and who knows how many germs are on those machines,"

"But, Levi, there's a restaurant and bar you could go to,"


"Come on, Levi, if you go I'll owe you one and I don't just want to go with Erwin, he sucks at the games,"

I thought about it for a second. Hanji owes me for a lot of things and it hasn't been that long since she's forced me to do something that I would've preferred to have not participated in.

The last time she said that she would owe me was a couple of days ago and she wanted my blood for some stupid experiment with angel and demon blood which I didn't listen to her ramblings about her reasons why she needed my blood specifically.

"Fine, but you owe me big time for spending a perfectly good day off at a shitty arcade where there're shitty kids running around,"

"Yes, thank you, Levi. We leave in ten minutes so hurry up and get dressed,"

"Fifteen so I can at least eat something,"


I quickly hopped in the shower, probably the fastest shower I've ever taken as I was only in there for two minutes. The faster we can leave the faster I can get back and do something way more interesting than spending the day in a smelly arcade.

Once I got out, I hurriedly dried off and threw on some clothes.

When I walked back into the living room, Hanji was sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone.

I went into the kitchen and took out some leftover take-out and warmed it up in the microwave.

But the time I was done, I had barely put my plate in the dishwasher before Four-eyes was dragging me out the door and practically shoved me in her car. I barely had time to say 'hi' to Eyebrows, who was in the passenger seat, before the car started up and took off.

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