Bad News

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Today started out as a nice day, I woke up next to my wonderful husband, had a nice round of morning sex, cuddled for about an hour before having to actually get up and check on Nadia who was still asleep.

Levi made crepes for breakfast, mine topped with peanut butter, strawberries, and whipped cream. Nadia's pretty much consisted of just whipped cream with Levi getting her to eat a few pieces of fruit.

It was the first time Levi has made crepes in a while so I tried to savor every last bite I could before potentially having to throw it all up later, although, my morning sickness has been getting better lately as I'm just starting my second trimester.

Today I am twelve weeks and five days pregnant. Hanji says that my due date will be sometime in late January but I might give birth sooner than that as twins tend to come a bit earlier than if I was having one baby.

All I care about is that my babies come out happy and healthy as all parents probably want for all their children.

Levi sometimes would talk to my stomach which is hilarious as he would tell stories or just simply say how much he loves them and can't wait to meet them.

This time around, I'm glad that we have a better idea of what to do and expect as last time we had no fucking clue on what to buy or what not to buy.

Once we had all eaten, Levi took Nadia up to her playroom to keep her busy for a few hours while I headed to our shared bathroom to start the shower.

I stepped under the hot spray of water, letting it soak my body, the warmth already starting to help with the aches of pregnancy.

Levi walked into the bathroom, naked as the day he was born, and joined me. Even though I've seen my husband naked countless amount of times, the sight still makes me blush.

I sigh as I feel Levi's warm arms wrap around my waist and his hands settle on my stomach, rubbing softly on the small bump. Levi's hand then moves to my back to trace the 'tattoo' of my wings and places a small kiss at the base of my neck. Instinctively, my long, black tail wraps around Levi's leg to bring us closer together.

We do our usual shower routine then get out to dry off. Like always, Levi brushes my long hair out, saying that when he does it, it looks better as he can reach some places better than I can.

Sometimes I think about cutting my hair again. I started to grow it out when I started college and have only gotten trims since then. I did, however, have to cut my hair to just above my shoulders when Nadia was a baby because she would always grab onto it.

Turns out, that was not one of the best decisions as the length made it harder to put up into a bun or ponytail so I either had to use hair clips or headbands to keep it out of my face or out of reach of a baby.

Thankfully, my hair grows kind of fast so it was back to the original length in about five months.

As I was getting dressed, I heard a ping on my phone. I open it to look at the notification. I had gotten a news alert from a website, The Walls Report, which is basically a news outlet but for the magical world.

Tapping on the icon, I almost drop my phone as I see the headline.


"Nononononono, this can't be happening," I thought to myself.

Right now, I'm internally freaking out. What if he comes after me again? What if he goes after my child? I can't lose Nadia or Levi.

I can't tell Levi or he'll pretty much put me and Nadia in some form of "witness protection" or something and I don't want to go on the run again.

But if I don't tell him, he won't know and if they come after me again, he won't be prepared. It's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Also, if Levi finds out on his own and finds out that I didn't tell him, he will be pissed.

For now, I'm just going to think about it and pretend that everything is alright. I have three options to consider; tell Levi right now which will make him panic, don't tell him and have him be unprepared, or just wait for him to find out on his own which by then it might be too late to do anything.

"Eren are you ok?" Levi asks me and pulls me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine,"

"You sure? You've been staring at your phone for the past few minutes,"

"I'm sure, Levi, don't worry about it,"

"Ok, if you say so,"

I can tell that he doesn't really believe me but I'm glad that he's not pushing me to tell him.

Once Levi finally walks out the door to go drop Nadia off at Isabel's place and go to work, I finally take a deep breath releasing some of the stress from earlier.

I still have some time before I have to head to work so I grab my bag and keys from the table then head off to a place I know will help me.

This place is somewhere I go when I'm feeling conflicted about some things and I need someone to talk to.

Once I pull up to the place and park, I take a deep breath before getting out of the car.

Walking through the maze of stones, I find the one that I'm looking for. 

I feel a lump start to form in my throat when I see the stone that I was looking for. 

In Loving Memory of

Grisha Jaeger and Carla Jaeger

Died April 13th, 2012

It's been a while since I've visited their graves. Talking to them always made me feel better even though I know no one is going to answer back.

Levi doesn't know that I come here. He's visited a few times before but not in the way I do.

I sit down next to their tombstone and take a deep breath to keep myself from crying.

"Hi, mom. Hi, dad. It's me, your son. I know you can't hear me, I know talking to someone who's never going to answer back is probably stupid but..." I trail off as a tear makes its way down my cheeks. "I just need to talk to you about some things I need to get off my chest, sorry in advance if my rambling is annoying,"

I rant on and on about what's been happening lately with me being pregnant with twins, work, the whole Reiner being broken out of prison, everything. I hope there was no one else here in the cemetery or else things would have gotten embarrassing. 

Thankfully, when I look around there's no one else here.

As I'm talking, I'm suddenly aware of the scars on my wrists from when I had tried to kill myself. All that seems so long ago, it's been twelve years by now and sometimes it still feels like it happened yesterday.

When I stand up, I wipe at my pants to get some of the dirt off. I say a quick goodbye and as I turn to leave, I hear a twig snap. My head shoots up in alert.

I look around but I don't see anyone. Not taking any chances, I sprint to my car and drive off.

Sighing, I turn on the radio to distract me from everything. Music has always been an escape for me. I love music. Music got me through some tough times and it keeps continuing to do that.

Now, I just wish the day goes on normally like any other and hope that nothing bad happens.

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