Worried Friends

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Levi's POV

I wake up to the faint sounds of birds chirping outside my window. It was very humid last night so I opened the window to circulate more air into the room, but now I'm regretting that decision as the sounds from the outside are annoying me.

As usual, when I wake up, I just lay in bed for a few minutes, imagining Eren right by my side who would be very likely to still be sleeping. 

If he were here, I would watch him sleep until he woke up then greet him with a good morning kiss which he would complain about morning breath but would still kiss back with no hesitation.

Once our little make-out was done I would crawl down the bed to places kisses on his growing belly and say good morning to our twins. Eren would giggle and say that it tickles but enjoying it while smiling happily.

But, sadly, all that is just a part of my imagination.

With a groan, I get up out of bed, walking over to the window to shut it before heading to Nadia's room to see if she's up yet.

I took a glance at the time and it says it's 9:23 a.m. which means that I only slept for at least three and a half hours. That's probably the longest amount of time I've slept in the past couple of months.

When I open Nadia's bedroom door, I see that she's still asleep so I quietly shut the door and head downstairs to make breakfast. Not really feeling like making anything extravagant, I just make eggs, bacon, and toast.

As soon as I put the eggs on a plate, Nadia comes shuffling into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes sleepily, showing that she had just woken up not too long ago.

"Hey, princess, are you hungry?" I greet her. She just nods her head then sits at the table.

"When's mommy coming home, daddy?" I almost burst into tears at her question.

She's been asking me that almost every day and it breaks my heart that I can't give her an answer. Every time she asks me, the cracks in my heart just keep getting bigger and bigger and I don't how much it will take for it to shatter completely.

I set her plate down on the table then I sit down next to her with my own plate.

"I don't know, princess, when I do, you will be the first to know, ok?"

"Ok, daddy," she picks up her fork and starts eating her food.

We eat in silence, the only noise in the room is the sound of our chewing and the chirping of birds outside the window above the sink.

Once we're done eating, I take our plates to the sink, rinse off the crumbs, then put them in the dishwasher before cleaning any mess left over.

As I'm about to head upstairs to get dressed and ready for work, I hear the doorbell go off. I tell Nadia to go up to her room and wait for me.

"Who would be here this early in the morning? Certainly not four-eyes as she would never get up this early unless she's pulled another one of her all-nighters," I thought to myself.

The second the door is open the smallest bit, it's pushed open harshly, and Hanji, Erwin, Isabel, Farlan, Armin, and surprisingly, Mikasa walk in.

They start piling into the living room and stand facing me with crossed arms and looks on their faces that I can't decipher.

Whatever the reason that they decide to show up like this unannounced can't be good with the way they're looking at me like that.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them.

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