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A/N- Hello, reader. If you are reading this chapter after the one titled 'Telling Everyone' then I would recommend going back and reading the one titled 'Shocking Surprises' before reading this one as Wattpad is being weird and mixing up these two chapters. This chapter is supposed to be after 'Shocking Surprises' but for some reason, they keep getting switched. Thank you and happy reading.

Waking up this morning I felt strangely really good. I had no morning sickness and I felt like I slept for a good amount of time. I felt very refreshed and overall great.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Levi already looking at me. I don't know how, but he's almost always up before I am, he as some type of internal clock or something to always wake up before me. I know he doesn't have an alarm because I would hear it if it went off.

"Good morning, amour, how'd you sleep?" Levi asked me.

"Great actually, I feel good for once, no morning sickness or anything,"

"That's good," 

"I'm surprised, I expected to wake up today and immediately have to run to the bathroom. I swear Nadia didn't give me this bad morning sickness,"

"Eren, you're carrying our twins, of course, you're going to feel more symptoms,"

"I know," I sighed happily at the thought that I'm carrying twins.


"Yeah, Levi?"

"I love you so fucking much,"

"I love you too, Levi," he reached under the covers and pulled my shirt up a little so he could rest his hand on my growing bump. 

I kind of missed when he would do that. He even did it a few times when I wasn't pregnant, silently wishing that I was, and now that he's got his wish he seems more excited than when I was pregnant with Nadia.

Not that it's a bad thing, Levi's just always wanted to have a lot of kids but before he met me he thought that it would've been an impossible dream, then he met me and when he told me that I was pregnant, I could see in his eyes that his dream just came true.

Meeting Levi was probably one of the best things to happen to me, the other things are having my little angel and the two on the way.

As I said in my vows, there are many things that I wish I could change in my life but meeting Levi isn't one of them and never will be one of them, in fact, sometimes I wish that I could relive that day over again because it was the day that my life changed forever.

The sound of the doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts and Levi reluctantly let go of me to get out of bed to see whoever decided that interrupting our morning cuddling session was a good idea.

While Levi was downstairs, I heard talking but couldn't figure out who it was at the door so I got up out of bed, threw on one of my robes, and went to go see who was here.

To my surprise, it was Armin and Isabel. Guess now is an as good time as any to tell them that I'm carrying two babies.

"Hi, Armin...Isabel. What are you doing here?" I asked them then yawning, showing that I had just woken up not too long ago.

"Oh, we got a text from Hanji saying that you needed a babysitter and we had nothing better to do so we came over. I'm guessing she didn't tell you?" Armin answered.

"No, she probably knew that we would want a day to start preparing,"

"Preparing for what, the new baby?" Isabel asked.

"Yeah, but there's something we have to tell you guys," Levi stepped closer to me then wrapped his arm around my waist, a smile coming across his face.

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