Strange Disappearances

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Levi's POV

Waking up, I feel around the bed for Eren only find the space where he should be, empty. The bed was cold in that spot showing that he hadn't been there for a while. I assume he either got up early or couldn't sleep.

With a low groan, I get up from the bed and make my way to Nadia's room to see if she was awake. When I peeked into her room, I saw that she was still sound asleep so I quietly closed the door.

I went downstairs, wondering if Eren could be there. When I got to the living room, he wasn't there, and there weren't any signs of anyone being there recently. I then look in the kitchen which is also empty and clean, free of any mess or crumbs from Eren cooking something.

Now I was starting to get worried as I couldn't find my husband. As a last resort, I look outside by the pool, and once again, he wasn't there.

"Eren! Where are you?" I yelled out but not loud enough to wake Nadia.

When I didn't get a reply, I started walking around the big house searching worriedly for Eren, calling out his name over and over with no response.

This is giving me flashbacks to four years ago when he was taken by Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie.

I knew that Reiner was broken out of prison a week ago, most likely by Annie, but I didn't want to tell Eren to not worry him and cause him stress which could affect the babies, but to make sure, I had Petra and Mike watch him while he was at work and told them to make sure he didn't see them and wonder why they were there.

Then I remembered something, Eren said that he saw a strange man at work yesterday, maybe it was him that had something to do with his disappearance. I don't know anything about the man other than he gave off weird vibes, but that would be a coincidence, right? A strange man shows up out of nowhere then suddenly my husband disappears, that seems way too fishy to be a coincidence. 

I hurry back upstairs to see if I can call Eren, maybe hoping that he has his phone on him, but when I enter the bedroom, I see Eren's phone on the nightstand where he keeps it.

"FUCK! Not again," I growl out.

Now knowing that Eren has been taken again, I grab my phone and first call Isabel to come over and watch Nadia for the day. Then I call Hanji and hope she has some answers for me.

"Hello, shorty, what's up?" I groan at the stupid nickname but let it slide for now as there is a more pressing issue here.

"Hanji, I think Eren has been taken again,"

"Wait, what do you mean taken again?"

"Well, when I woke up this morning, he wasn't in bed so I assumed he was already up but I couldn't find him anywhere around the house and his phone is still here, he never goes anywhere without his phone per my orders. I don't know if you've heard or not, but Reiner was broken out of prison somehow and Eren said he saw a strange man at work yesterday which makes me think that all this isn't just a coincidence, Reiner being broken out of prison a week before Eren sees a strange man at work then he vanishes, something is going on here and I need to find out what," After the end of my rant, I wonder if she's still there as I can't hear her but she interrupts me before I could say anything.

"Ok, how about we meet up at SCH and talk there, be there in twenty minutes?"

"Fine, see you there, Hanji," I hung up the phone and hurriedly got dressed.

By the time I was at the door, Isabel was there, the smile on her face turning into one of worry and concern when she sees me.

"Hey, big bro, what's wrong?"

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