Chapter 21

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Tubbo and I talked and decided we would go to McDonald's tomorrow and get kid's meals(out of curiosity, i did the math and with $1000, finding the average of the price of chinken nungets and cheeseborger(the average being $2.99), you could buy 334 kids meals if y'all wanted to know).

We drove back to the Airbnb and all decided to watch a movie. "What movie we gonna watch?" I asked.
"You should choose," Karl said. "Since you won the contest."
"No, that's gonna take all night," Wil said. "They can't decide on anything."
"Damn, Wil, speak your mind won't you?"
"Okay, so what does everyone want to watch?" Dream asked.
"The Conjuring 2," I said. It's my favorite horror movie and I was in a horror movie mood.
"That sounds good," he says, turning it on.

Soon into the movie, I felt Tommy lay his head on my shoulder.
"Comfy?" I asked.
"No, cuddle me," he said.
"Okay, whatever you say, darling," I said, moving so that he could lay on me.
"Are you two cuddling?" I heard Tubbo ask quietly. Tommy and I looked at each other then back at Tubbo. "Without me?"
"Would you like to cuddle with us Tubbo?" I asked.
"If you insist."
"Big or little spoon?"
"Big spoon, please. Come crush me."
I smiled and laid down with him, Tommy laying on me.

(no tubbo left behind)

~~~ Wilbur's pov :) ~~~

I looked over to the couch that held the children. I smiled as I saw Y/N laying on Tubbo with Tommy laying on them.

"Niki, look," I whispered to the girl who had her head on my shoulder.
She looked over to them and smiled. "I just love that no one has gotten the hint that they're already together and they want to set them up," she said.

The movie ended and I looked over at the kids. Y/N and Tubbo had fallen asleep.

"What now?" George asked.
"I think the children should get to bed," I said. "Y/N and Tubbo already fell asleep."
Everyone looked over at the couch they were on. Tommy was on his phone and wasn't paying attention to everyone staring at him.
"Are you comfy, Tommy?" Sapnap asked.
"Yeah," he mumbled and yawned.
I smiled and shook my head. "Time to get the children to bed."

Tommy got up and picked Y/N up, taking them to their room. With the movement, Tubbo ended up waking up.

~~~ Tommy's pov :) ~~~

I took Y/N to our room and laid them down on their bed. I felt them grab onto my arm. I looked down at them, they were still asleep.

They didn't let go of my arm so I climbed into their bed with them. Once I did, they basically threw half of their body onto me. I smiled to myself and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and Y/N wasn't there. I sat up and they weren't in the room either, Tubbo was though.
He was awake, lying in his bed on his phone.

"Morning, Tubbo," I said.
"Morning, Tommy," he said. "Y/N went to the kitchen, if you're wondering."
"Okay," I said, getting out of bed and making my way to the kitchen.

I smiled as I walked in to see Y/N sitting on the counter singing along to khai dreams.

"Morning, love," I said, standing next to them.
"Mornin', darling," they said.
"Good morning, lovebirds," Karl said.
"Hi, Karl," I said.
"What's for breakfast?" Wilbur asked, walking in.
"Air," Y/N said.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot you suck at cooking," he said.
"Yeah, so I'm not making breakfast unless you want the place burned down."

(not me stopping my writing because its 12:30am and im tired and just wanna watch some anime)

(not me continuing my writing because its now 3 hours later and i c a n t f u c k i n g s l e e p, still watching anime tho)

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