hello :)

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hello :)

i just want to say thank you to all of you that have read this story

i have over 5k reads and 150 votes!

also im sorry if i don't update anytime soon

im experiencing executive dysfunction currently

i really want to work on this story and i plan to but i just can't, it doesn't happen

its not just with writing either

i have over 90 missing assignments for school and since im doing virtual, i have to go back to school in january

i know i need to work on my assignments and i want to because im really far behind, but i just can't

and as a type 1 diabetic, i have to take shots every day and i have to write down things

i know i need to do these things but i can't

it's hard to explain executive dysfunction but it's basically you know you need to do things, you want to do these things, but you just can't

so sorry in advance if i don't get anything up in a few days or even a week or two

i hope you all are taking care of yourselves or else i will find you and give you the love you deserve


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