Chapter 2

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I walk over to Wil silently, trying not to gain attention. I've never been good with other people.

"Who's this, Wilbur?" One of them asks.
"Oh, this is Y/N! Y/N, this is Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo," he says, introducing us.
I smile and nod, hugging my bee plush close.
"Do you like bees?" Tubbo asks.
I smile and nod. "I love bees," I say, quietly.
"Me too!"
"Look at that Y/N, you made a new friend," Wil says.
"Shut it, Wil," I say.

We talk and Wil tells us that we can meet up back here at around 7 to eat. We all agree and we split up. Wil and Niki. Tommy, Tubbo, and me.

We got to know each other better. So far, I like Tubbo the best. He's quieter and likes bees. Tommy's loud as fuck but he is funny, I'll give him that.

At 7 we all meet back up and get food that was closest to us. I didn't eat much, being nervous and all. We all talked and decided to stay longer than we originally wanted to after having so much fun.

"So, Wil," Tommy starts. "How'd you meet Y/N? You've never mentioned them before."
"Oh, well, we met a few months ago at the park. I found them and just took them in," he says, looking at me and smiling.
"How old are you, Y/N?" Niki asks.
"Oh, I'm 15, almost 16," I say, hugging my bee close.
"Wait, I just noticed your accent," Tubbo says, smiling.
"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm from America."
"That's cool!"

We left sometime around 11. Today was fun, I might start hanging out with them more often.

"So, Y/N, did you have fun?" Wil asks.
"Yeah, I think that was the most fun I've ever had! We definitely need to hang out more," I say, smiling.
He smiles back. "Glad you had fun. Well, I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow."
"See ya tomorrow!" I call as he walks away.

I go to my room and flop onto my bed, cuddling my bee plush. I need to name him, but I don't know what.

~~~~~~~~~~ next day :) ~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up with the urge to pee. What a great way to wake up! Stupid bladder.

I do what I need and go to the kitchen. I look at my phone. 6:12 am. Fuck, it's early. I see Wil, leaning on the counter.

"Hey, Wil," I say, rubbing my eyes and yawning.
"Hey, Y/N, you're up early," he says.
"Unfortunately," I mumble, making myself a cup of coffee.
After downing 4 cups, I turn to Wil. "What's the plan today, Wil?"
"I don't know, do you have anything you want to do?" He asks. I guess I might as well ask him.
"Can you help me start streaming?" I quietly ask, doing the 👉👈 hands.
His face lights up and he smiles. "Of course! I was actually wondering when you wanted to start streaming. You always mention it but never actually bring it up."

I already have a twitch account and a pc so I guess it won't be that hard to start. I wanna actually get a pro set-up but that's another project for another day.

After a bit, we get everything set up. I decide that I want to stream today and Wil streams with me. It's not that big, we just play a Minecraft survival game together. Wil posted on his twitter that we were streaming together and tagged me.

After finishing up our streams, Wil and I celebrate my first stream by watching f/m(favorite movie for y'all that missed the first part). I sat down on the couch while he made popcorn and my phone started going off like crazy. I looked down at it and I got so many twitter notifications. I gained so many followers! I already had like 12k but now I have like 75k! Wil came in soon after and we started the movie.

About halfway through he left to use the bathroom so I looked at my phone. Dream messaged me!

"WIL!" I yell, excitedly.
He runs in. "What? What happened?!"
"Dream just asked if I wanted to join the smp!" I say, smiling and showing him the message.
"Well, answer, stupid!"
"I am!"

I typed up a quick response and Wil looked at me. "Well?"
"I said 'thanks, but no'," I told him, a serious look on my face.
"No. No you did not," he said, looking a little upset.
I laughed. "Of course, I said yes, idiot!"
"You scared me there for a second, Y/N!"
I laughed and looked at my phone. Another message. From Tommy.

786 words!

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