Chapter 12

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In what felt like eternity, which in reality was more like 15 minutes, we came to an arcade. I looked over at Y/N. They were looking at their phone, not paying attention.

"We're here!" Wil announced.
Y/N looked up. "The arcade!" They exclaimed.
"Yup! I remembered you saying that you've always wanted to go to one but never had the chance to," Wil explained.

We all exited the car and entered the building.

"I can get a new vlog gun!" I shouted excitedly.
Y/N laughed. "You can get me one too, so we can team up on Wilbur!"
I smiled and shook my head. "You can buy your own vlog gun."
They fake pouted. "Nope. Either you get me one or you can take on Wil alone."
I sighed. "Alright."

Y/N took my hand, dragging me to a claw machine. "Tommy, darling?" They asked.
"Can you win a plush for me?" They asked, doing the 👉👈 hands along with puppy-dog eyes.
I couldn't help but give in. "Yeah, which one you want?"
"Gimme the f/c bear," they said, smiling.

I managed to get the bear on my second try. The first failing to get the bear but got a bee instead. Something for Tubbo. I thought to myself.

~~~~~ time skip :) ~~~~~

We spent hours at the arcade. We decided to leave at 6:30 and we stopped to grab some pizza. I surprised Tubbo with the bee.

On our way back to Wilbur's place, Y/N had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I smiled, looking at them. We quickly arrived and Y/N was still asleep.

"Y/N, wake up, we're back," I said, gently shaking them.
They looked up at me. "Why, though?" They sleepily asked.
I smiled. "Because we're back home."
They sighed. "Fine."

We walked in, then grabbed some pizza. I could tell Y/N was tired. They were nearly falling asleep over their plate. They placed a hand under their chin, making sure they didn't fall face-first into their plate.

"Y/N, go to bed," Wil told them.
"But I don't wanna," they mumbled.
"You need to. You're basically falling asleep on the table. Don't worry, we can continue having fun tomorrow," I said, giving them a comforting smile.
"Fine," they said, getting up, throwing their empty plate in the trash, then walking to their room.
"Tommy, make sure they actually go to bed," Wil told me.
"Okay, big man."

I got up, and went to check on Y/N. I knocked on the door, somewhat expecting a response.
"Come in," they said.
"You need to sleep," I said, walking in, seeing them seated at their desk, working on their book.
"Why, though?" They asked, somewhat mumbled.
"Because I said so."
"But I don't wanna."
I sighed. "Come here," I said, laying on their bed.

They complained but agreed. They laid down and got comfy in my arms. I held them close, softly singing Sunkissed by khai dreams. I heard their breathing become steady. Looking at them, I realized they had fallen asleep. I smiled to myself and placed a kiss on the top of their head, allowing myself to also fall asleep.

534 words!

S O F T  T O M M Y  S O F T  T O M M Y  S O F T  T O M M Y  S O F T  T O M M Y


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