Chapter 11

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~~~~~ a few days later :) ~~~~~

"Y/N!" Wil called.
I was so tired. I stayed up all night working on my book.
"What?!" I called back.
No response. I groaned. "What?!" I called back, louder.
Still no response. "Damn you, Wil," I mumbled, getting up from my chair.

I walked into the living room. Wil saw me and hugged me. I looked at him confused. "What?"
"Happy birthday, you idiot!" He said, lightly slapping my arm.

I pulled out my phone. The date read December 18. Fuck, guess it is my birthday. I never celebrated it, never had a reason.

"We're going to celebrate," Wil said.
I sighed. "Okay? What do you do to celebrate a birthday?" I asked, honestly confused.
He looked surprised. "Well, I texted some special people and they are coming over and we're going to do something special for your birthday."
"Oh, okay. Who's coming over?"
"Tubbo, Niki, Fundy, Philza, and Tommy."
I smiled when he said Tommy's name. We haven't told anyone that we're officially together yet, we were going to wait a little bit.
"When are they coming over?"
"Around 1:30 and they're staying for the weekend."
"That's pog, I'm hungry."
"I made pancakes."

I sat down at the table and started eating, soon getting distracted by my phone going off. I look at my screen and see Wilbur posted something on twitter. It was a picture of me eating, captioned '@y/n_gamings(your user for everything) happy birthday !!!'

I look up from my phone to Wil. "Really?"
He smiles. "What?"
"The post. You really had to use a picture. And that picture at that."
"I thought it was funny."
I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Wil."

Soon after that I finished my pancakes and went to my room. Flopping on the bed, I quickly fell asleep.

~~~~~ tommy's pov :3 ~~~~~

I left my house to go to Wilbur's around 10, hoping to get there before we're supposed to all meetup.

"Big man!" I yelled, knocking on his door.
He opened the door and let me in. "Shh! Y/N's asleep," he said.
I smiled to myself. "Okay," I said, walking to their room.

I knocked quietly, not wanting to wake them if they were still asleep. No response. I opened the door and saw them face down on their bed. Who the fuck sleeps on their stomach? I thought to myself(i do tommy shh).

I sat next to them. They looked so peaceful. Normally, they're either loud and crazy or just smiling. They looked at peace.

Soon I felt the bed move. I looked at Y/N and they had moved. They now had their arms around me and looked like they were slightly awake.

"Tommy?" They asked.
"'Ello, Y/N," I said, running my fingers through their hair.
"What are you doing here?"
"Just stopping by for the weekend."
They looked confused then must've realized. "Oh, yeah, I forgot."

They woke up completely then we went into the living room. Tubbo and Philza were there, so now we wait for Niki and Fundy.

"Hey, Y/N," Tubbo said.
"Hi," they said, hugging Tubbo.
"Hi, Y/N," Phil said.
"Hey, Philza," they said, hugging Philza next.
"Where's my hug?" I asked, pretending to look upset.
"Shut up, Innit," they said.
Everyone laughed at that then Y/N grabbed my hand.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Tubbo asked.
"Movie?" Y/N suggested.
"Yeah! We can watch the Grinch," Tubbo said.

I sat down on the couch, Y/N sitting on one side and Tubbo on the other side. Philza sat down in one of the armchairs next to the couch.

"What am I, a teddy bear?" I asked, looking at the people on either side of me.
Y/N looked at me. "Yes. Yes you are, darling."
"Am I third wheeling?" Tubbo asked.
"If you are, so am I, Tubbo," Philza said.
"Shut up, you two," I said, my face slightly red.

We continued watching the movie until a knock came to the door. Wil answered it and it was the final two, Niki and Fundy.

"Hey, guys," Fundy said.
"Hello," Niki said, giving a small wave.
"Hey," we all said.
"Come watch the movie with us," Y/N said.

Fundy took the other armchair and Wil and Niki sat on the floor in front of the couch. Y/N had their head in my lap and I was playing with their hair. I noticed Wilbur staring so I stared back.

Soon Wilbur looked away. "I won the staring contest, bitch," I said.
"You got annoying to look at," he replied.
"Well then, bitch."

By the time the movie finished, it was 2:04. Wilbur told us we were going somewhere around 2:30 but didn't say where.

"Guys!" Wilbur said. "It's almost time for us to leave."
"Where we goin'?" Y/N asked.
"It's a surprise," he said.
"Yeah, only Wilbur knows what it is," Tubbo said.
"He wouldn't tell us," I chimed in(with a haven't you people ever heard of-sorry not sorry).

We all got ready to leave and decided we would take two cars since we all wouldn't fit in Wilbur's. Tubbo, Y/N and I took Wilbur's car with him driving of course. Niki and Fundy took Philza's car with Philza driving. Wil texted Philza where we were going, still not telling us.

898 words! I'm deciding to continue this book and also made a one shot book if you wanna check that out!

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