Chapter 25

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~~~ skip to the foster home :'( ~~~

I was currently being scolded by Miss Morgan while all the others watched, kids included. They didn't need to see this. Some were as young as 5 or younger, I know what it's like for them. You're young, your parents die or leave you here for however long, one of the older kids know what the place is truly like so they run off, some come back and some don't, the ones that do get scolded then sometimes worse, and the younger ones gather around to watch, wanting to know what happened to the person they would look up to.

When I was 8, I had someone like that. His name was Jacob, and he was like an older brother to me. He would take care of me, way better than any of the workers here. He told me he was running off. He was brought back 2 weeks later and he was scolded and then one of the older workers, I think her name was Alice?, took us kids back to our rooms. Jacob never came out of his room, not for food or anything. I had to bring him his food, because he liked me more than the other kids and definitely the workers.

I didn't know what happened to Jacob, I'm guessing he got out of here, or more hoping he did. I don't know what's going to happen to me.

"Go to your rooms, kiddos," I said, giving the kids a smile with tears in my eyes.

Some of them did, some didn't. I couldn't blame them. The kids that didn't were the kids I knew, the ones that looked up to me, especially Natalie.

I was her Jacob, I was the one she loved most. I still remember the nights I tucked her into bed, the days I would give her my food because she was hungry, the nights I would sing her to sleep because she had a nightmare.

Miss Morgan's foster home wasn't great, it wasn't even decent. But she put on a show, it was all a show.

Sometimes, I think she's worse than some of these kids' parents, the parents that left them here because they couldn't handle the kid, because the kids were "selfish" and "ungrateful". Kids aren't supposed to be grateful, they're supposed to eat your food and break your heart, because they're your kids and you're supposed to love them, supposed to care for them because you had them.

After all the kids were put to bed, Miss Morgan took me into her office. That was never good.

You never usually see the ones that she took into her office, and that wasn't because they got adopted. Like Jacob, they never come out of their room, and like a few others that Jacob had told me stories about once he thought I was old enough to handle it. They were the worst ones. They were the ones you didn't hear about for weeks or maybe a month or two. They were the ones you hoped made it to leave.

~~~ Tommy's pov :3 ~~~

As soon as I was back at the bnb, I went to my room. I sat down on the bed we would share(along with Oreo). I held my head in my hands, and Oreo came up to see what was wrong. I gently held her and pet her as I cried.

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked.
I quickly and quietly wiped my face on my hoodie sleeve. "Hey, Tubbo. Sorry I woke you, you can go back to bed," I assured him.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Tubbo. I'm fine, I'm alright, I'm-" I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. I'm not fine, I'm not alright. How could I be okay without them? I broke down. Oreo was pawing at my leg and Tubbo had gotten up.

He sat down next to me, putting an arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him, crying into his shoulder.

"What happened?" He softly asked.
"They took them, Tubbo. They took Y/N back to that shit foster home," I explained.

I held Oreo close to me, Tubbo still at my side, rubbing my back comfortingly.

~~~ Wilbur's pov ~~~

I drove back to the bnb, the ride was quiet aside from Tommy and Niki's sobbing.

When we got back, I called everyone beside the teen boys into the lounge.

"What's up Wil? What's wrong?" Everyone interrogated.
Niki sat on the couch, sobbing quietly. I sat beside her, rubbing her back. Everyone else was sitting on the other couches and the floor.
"Y/N," I started. "The foster home Y/N used to be at has taken them back. Y/N and Tommy did something earlier and were taken to the police station. They called me and I went down with Niki. I hadn't gone to court for custody of Y/N so I legally couldn't bring them back, so the foster home took them," I explained, letting out the tears I was holding in.

I looked at everyone, they all were visibly upset, shocked, and confused, most if not all of them were crying. "We have to get them back," Sapnap said. "We just..have to."
"Yeah, we're like a family, and it's not family without Y/N," Bad said, his voice breaking as he spoke.
"How's Tommy handling this?" Dream asked. "He was the closest to them, besides Wil."

902 words! :'( boi istg im prolly gonna cry im not yet but ive been close to tears :'( anyway next part coming soon :) love y'all <3

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