Chapter 7

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~~~~~ a month goes by :) ~~~~~

"Y/N!" Wil yells.
"What do you want?!" I yell back.
"Come get dinner!"
"Not hungry!" I wasn't lying. I wasn't hungry, plus I want to work on my book, since I've been procrastinating a lot.
"Fine but I already made you a plate."
I groaned and got up from my desk.

I walked to the kitchen where Wil was already sitting at the table. I grabbed my plate from the counter and sat down at the table with him.

He looked up at me. "How's the book going?" He asked, trying to make conversation.
"Good, I have like 14 chapters written but I don't know how to end it, other than that it's good, I think," I say, smiling.

Over the past month, I've lost all motivation for everything. (Isn't that a mood Y/N) I've still been streaming almost 4 times a week and I've gained a lot of followers and subscribers, so pog. I've been lost in my feelings a lot of the time, feeling numb a lot of the time, and thinking about that special bitch boy a lot of the time.

Tommy and I have been spending a lot of time together, mostly just us because Tubbo's "busy" as he says. Tubbo and Wil both know about my "little" crush on Tommy. They say he likes me back but I don't see it. We did plan to meet up in a few days to hang out though, so maybe I can talk to him about it.

~~~~~ a few days go by you're meeting up with the gremlin child :) ~~~~~

I wake up to the sun shining in my face. I pick up my phone, checking for any dumb notifications. I look at the clock. 11:28 am, December 3rd. Fuck, I told Tommy I'd meet him at noon.

I get up and get dressed, throwing on a random t-shirt I grabbed from my closet, a pair of black jeans and sneakers. I fix my hair so it doesn't look like shit, grab my phone, and tell Wil I'm leaving.

"Wait, Y/N," he calls before I leave.
"Are you gonna tell him?"
"Hell, I dunno, maybe," I say, shrugging. I've never been good at dealing with my feelings, I tend to bottle them up and fucking die inside. (Once again, what a fucking mood Y/N)
"Well, tell me when you get home, I wanna know."
"Okie dokie!"

I make it to the park before realizing that, wow, it's fucking cold. Well, no shit, it's cold. It's December, dipshit. I think to myself. I look at my phone, 12:11 pm. Hmm, he's late. Maybe he stood me up. Just as I was thinking to myself, I felt someone come up behind me and grab my shoulder, making me jump. I look at the person and it's none other than bitch boy.

"Damnit, Tommy! You scared me!" I say, playfully smacking his arm.
"You were lost in thought and I just had to," he says, smiling. "Sorry, I'm late. I was editing and lost track of time."
"It's cool, totally didn't think you were gonna ditch me. No, not at all," I say, rubbing my arms trying to get warm.
"Aren't you cold?" He asks.
"No, I'm just shivering for no reason. I got here before realizing I forgot a hoodie."

He gave me his hoodie and we started walking. We must have walked in silence for so long before I spoke up.

"Hey, Tommy?" I asked.
I sighed. "What would you do if you liked someone but you don't know if they like you back. Asking for a friend."
"Oh," he started. "Well, just tell them. Worst case scenario, they reject you. Best case scenario, they like you back."
"Yeah, but what if they don't like you back and you fuck up a friendship that means a lot to you?"
"Well, I don't know. If they mean that much to you, try figuring out if they like you or not. Why? Do you like someone?"
"Uh," I hesitated. "Um, no..?" Well, I'm a dumbass. That's so obvious. I thought.
He smirked at me. "Who do you like?" He asked.
"No one, shut up."
"Okay, okay," he said, throwing his hands up in defense. "I won't ask anymore. I could ask Tubbo though."
"No. You are not bringing Tubbo into this, bitch boy."

We kept walking and soon we decided to stop and grab something to eat. We stopped at a McDonald's.  We ordered our food, grabbing some for Wil, and walked back to my place.

"Wil! I brought food!" I yelled as I entered the house.
He ran out of his room. "Thanks," he said. "Oh, Y/N, did you, y'know?"
I gave him a look that basically said 'shut the fuck up'.
"Oh," he said. "Okay."
Tommy looked at us confused but he shrugged it off.

He went home an hour or so later. Wil and I were on the couch, watching Criminal Minds.
"So," he started. "What happened between you two today?"
"Nothing," I said, focusing on the show. "He did find out that I liked someone though, he just doesn't know it's him."
"You should tell him, Y/N. I'm pretty sure he likes you back."
"Whatever you say, Wil."

~~~~~~~ Tommy's pov :3 ~~~~~~~

I got home and went to my room. I called Tubbo on discord.

"Tubbo, I have a problem." I said as soon as he answered.
"What's your problem?"
"Y/N likes someone and I like Y/N," I said. "What do I do?"
He laughed. "Just tell them, what's the worst that could happen?"
I put my head in my hands. "They could reject me and I ruin our friendship."
"Come on, Tommy, just tell them. I'm pretty sure they like you back."
I shook my head. "Whatever you say, Tubbo."

~~~~~~~~~~ a few weeks later and back to your pov :) ~~~~~~~~~~

Today, Wil said that we're going to meet up with Niki, Tubbo, Tommy and he said that Tommy was bringing one of his friends he wanted us to meet.

I got dressed, ready to go out. Since it was out in public where we're going I dressed somewhat nice. (Before y'all say anything like 'oh but what about covid?' Fuck covid! It doesn't exist anymore! My fanfic my rules) I put on a dark green sweater, a pair of jeans and my combat boots. I also grabbed Tommy's hoodie he forgot a few weeks ago just in case I got cold and the sweater wasn't enough.

We got there around 2:30 before anyone else. A few minutes later Tubbo and Niki joined us. We talked for about 15 minutes before Tommy and his friend came walking up.

"Hey, Tommy, who's your friend?" Wil asked.
"Guys, this is Amy. My girlfriend."

1140 words! Heheh

Why? (A TommyInnit x Reader Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora