Chapter 14

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We got back home and set our bags in the living room. Wil said we would watch a movie or two then we would open our gifts.

Wilbur decided that we would watch all 3 Santa Clauses. Him and I went into the kitchen to make everyone popcorn and hot chocolate.

"What's going on with you and Tommy?" Wil asked.
I looked down at the pan I was making the hot chocolate in, thinking. "I dunno. Last night we were fine, then this morning he started acting different," I truthfully told him.
"Oh," he paused. I could tell he didn't know what to say. "Well, things will get better, Y/N. Tommy loves you, you'll work things out."

When we were done we went back to the living room. I sat down on the couch next to Tubbo. Tommy sat on the end of the couch, Tubbo in the middle, and me on the other end.

It kinda hurt me how distant Tommy had become overnight. I don't know what happened. I don't know if I did something wrong or what.

About 6 and a half hours later(yes that's about how long it takes to watch all 3 Santa Clause movies). Wil and Fundy had moved the furniture out of the way and we all sat in a circle.

We played rock, paper, scissors for who would go first. Phil ended up winning so he went first. He grabbed his gift and handed it to Tubbo. It was a bee bucket hat, I know he will enjoy that.

We went clockwise so after that was Fundy. He grabbed his gift and handed it to Wilbur. It was a small toy guitar and a dark grey beanie. He laughed as he pulled out the guitar and played us a little song. That was nice, but now I'm gonna have to put up with Wil and his baby guitar.

Next was Niki. She grabbed hers and gave it to Fundy. It was a little fox pouch and she gave him some candy as well.

Next was Wil. He grabbed his and handed it to Tommy. It was another goddamn vlog gun. Of course Wil got him a vlog gun. Tommy complained so much since Wil broke one and I stole another.

After Wil was me. I grabbed mine and handed it to Niki. I got her a necklace with a smiley face charm on it along with some candy.

Tubbo was after me. He grabbed his gift and handed it to Phil. He admitted that he had no clue what to get so he just grabbed whatever. He got some candy and a plush of a dark green Minecraft sheep.

After Tubbo was Tommy. He grabbed his gift and handed it to me. I opened it and saw the gift as well as a note. I grabbed the gift first. It was a shirt, almost like his iconic red and white one, but it was f/c(if your favorite color is red ignore this :3) and white. He also got me some candy along with a dark grey beanie(it's the same one as Wilbur's). I set the bag aside, deciding to read the note later and not in front of everyone.

After that we watched the Polar Express. Not sure if it's a great thing, but thanks to Tubbo, I was sitting next to Tommy.

Most of the time it was awkward, considering we haven't really talked today. But towards the end of the movie I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked and saw that Tommy had fallen asleep. I couldn't help but smile at him.

We were partially into the next movie when I started getting tired. I decided to go to bed instead of falling asleep on the couch. I started getting up, trying not to wake Tommy, but he woke up anyway.

"Where are you going?" He asked.
"I was gonna head to bed. I'm getting tired," I said, giving him a small smile.
"Oh, okay."

I walked to my room and flopped on the bed. I remembered the note. I grabbed the note out of the bag and started reading it.

698 words! Haha cliffhanger >:) what do you think the note says guys, huh? Guess you'll find out next chapter ;)

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